

SSH(Secure Shell)是一种网络协议,用于在不安全的网络环境中提供安全的远程登录服务,SSH协议通过加密技术保护数据传输的安全,防止数据被窃听或篡改,SUSE Linux系统中的SSH服务默认已经启用,但为了确保系统的安全性,我们需要对SSH进行加固。





sudo zypper update



PermitRootLogin no:禁止root用户通过SSH登录。

MaxSessions 10:限制每个用户的会话数量为10个。

PasswordAuthentication yes:允许使用密码进行身份验证。

UsePAM yes:使用PAM(Pluggable Authentication Modules)进行身份验证。

PubkeyAuthentication yes:允许使用公钥进行身份验证。

AuthMethods publickey,password:指定支持的身份验证方法。

ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes:启用挑战-响应认证机制。

X11Forwarding no:禁止X11转发功能。

AllowAgentForwarding no:禁止代理转发功能。

GatewayPorts no:禁止端口转发功能。



sudo chown -R user:user /path/to/directory
sudo chmod -R 750 /path/to/directory



sudo systemctl disable sshd.service



答:systemctl status sshd.service命令可以查看SSH服务的运行状态,如果服务已启动,输出结果中会显示"Active: active (running)",如果服务未启动,可以尝试使用以下命令启动SSH服务:

sudo systemctl start sshd.service


答:tail -f /var/log/auth.log命令可以查看SSH连接日志,这个日志文件记录了所有通过SSH进行的身份验证信息,可以帮助我们排查安全问题,要停止实时查看日志,可以按Ctrl+C



ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""


cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@server "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"


ssh user@server 'echo "Hello, World!"' && exit || echo "Failed to authenticate" >&2; exit 1; true  Run the command and print the error message if authentication fails. This will prevent SSH from terminating prematurely. The last line must be executed after a successful login or else it will terminate the script immediately. If you want to see the error message, remove the last line. Replace "user" and "server" with your actual username and server address. Replace "Hello, World!" with the command you want to run on the remote server. If you want to test multiple commands, add them separated by semicolons (;). For example: "ssh user@server 'ls; pwd'" would execute both commands on the remote server. To run multiple commands without waiting for each command to complete, use the &> operator like this: "ssh user@server 'ls &> output.txt; pwd &> output.txt'" This will redirect both commands' output to separate files named output.txt on the remote server. Replace "output.txt" with the desired file names on the remote server. If you want to run multiple commands without waiting for each command to complete and without redirecting their output to files, use the & operator like this: "ssh user@server 'ls & pwd'" This will run both commands in parallel on the remote server without waiting for each command to complete or creating any files on the remote server. To run multiple commands in parallel and wait for each command to complete before running the next command, use the &>> operator like this: "ssh user@server 'ls &>> output.txt; pwd &>> output.txt'" This will redirect both commands' output to the same file named output.txt on the remote server and append new output to the end of the file instead of overwriting it. Replace "output.txt" with the desired file name on the remote server. If you want to run multiple commands in parallel and wait for each command to complete before running the next command, but don't want to create any files on the remote server, use the &| operator like this: "ssh user@server 'ls &| grep hello; pwd &| grep world'" This will run both commands in parallel on the remote server and wait for each command to complete before running the next command, but won't create any files on the remote server. Instead, it will pipe its output to another process that runs a grep command on its input. Replace "grep hello; pwd | grep world" with your own grep command(s). If you want to run multiple commands in parallel and wait for each command to complete before running the next command, but want to keep their output separate from each other, use the &> operator like this: "ssh user@server 'ls &> output1.txt; pwd &> output2.txt'" This will redirect one of both commands' output to a file named output1.txt on the remote server and append new output to the end of it instead of overwriting it. Replace "output1.txt" with the desired file name on the remote server. To run multiple commands in parallel and wait for each command to complete before running the next command, but want to keep their output separate from each other and not create any files on the remote server, use the &>> operator like this: "ssh user@server 'ls &>> output1.txt; pwd &>> output2.txt'" This will redirect both commands' output to two different files named output1.txt and output2.txt on the remote server and append new output to their respective files instead of overwriting them or creating new ones. To run multiple commands in parallel and wait for each command to complete before running the next command, but want to keep their output separate from each other and not create any files on the remote server, use the &| operator like this: "ssh user@server 'ls &| grep hello; pwd &| grep world'" This will run both commands in parallel on the remote server and wait for each command to complete before running the next command, but won't create any files on the remote server or overwrite existing files with new data. Instead, it will pipe its output to another process that runs a grep command on its input and keeps its original input unchanged. Replace "grep hello; pwd | grep world" with your own grep command(s). To run multiple commands in parallel and wait for each command to complete before running the next command, but want to keep their output separate from each other and not create any files on the remote server, use the &> operator like this: "ssh user@server 'ls &> output1.txt; pwd &> output2.txt; cat output1.txt > merged_output1.txt; cat output2.txt > merged_output2.txt'" This will redirect one of both commands' output to a file named output1.txt on the remote server and append new output to the end of it instead than overwriting it. Replace "output1.txt", "merged_output1




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