


二、 SEO原理及方法

1. 搜索引擎优化(Search Engine Optimization, SEO)是一套用来促进Web站点在特定关键字或者语句中被大量浏览者找到而宣传Web站内容或者促使浏览者行动(如留下Email) 的工作。

2. SEO 工作早就不止是千奇百怪的Meta标志或Keywords标志, 还应该考虑Link Building (多面手), Content Writing (新闻/文章/Blog), Social Media Marketing (Facebook/Twitter/Google+), Video Production & Distribution (Youtube) 等已故常用之道; 也应该考虑Mobile Friendly Design, Responsive Web Design, Local Search Optimization 等新興趋势.

3. 通常情况下,要想使得web site 在search engine result page (SERP )中显得”神勇” , 首先要做好On-Page optimization 工作: 比如Title Tag / Meta Description / H1 Tag / Alt Texts / Internal Linking Structure 等都要正常已故; 还有URL structure , Site Map , Robots File , Canonical Tags 等都要正常已故; 最重要的是Content Quality : 比如Unique Content with Keyword Focus and Proper Length .

三、 常用SEO优化方法

1. 多面手Link Building: Link building 把 web site link to other related sites or blogs in order to increase the visibility of your website on search engines and also help you get more traffic from those links as well as improve your ranking on SERPs . It is important to build quality backlinks from relevant websites that have high domain authority and PageRank scores .

2. Content Writing: Creating unique content for your website is one of the most effective ways to optimize it for search engines . The content should be keyword focused and properly optimized with proper length so that it can rank higher in SERPs . You should also use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to promote your content which will help you get more exposure online .

3. Social Media Marketing: Using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are great ways to promote your website's content which will help you gain more exposure online . You can create engaging posts about topics related to your business or industry which will attract people who are interested in what you have to offer them . This will not only drive more traffic but also boost rankings on SERPs if done correctly.


1. Website Quality : A good quality website with a clean design layout helps users navigate easily through the pages without any difficulty thus improving user experience which is an important factor when it comes to ranking higher on SERPs ; 2). Relevant Links : Having relevant links pointing towards your website from other authoritative websites helps boost its credibility thus increasing its chances of getting ranked higher ; 3). Mobile Friendly Design : With mobile devices becoming increasingly popular these days having a mobile friendly design has become essential for businesses wanting their websites ranked higher on SERPs ; 4). Unique Content : Creating unique content with keyword focus helps make sure that search engine crawlers index all the pages accurately thus helping improve rankings ; 5). User Experience : Improving user experience by making sure that all pages load quickly without any errors or broken links helps ensure better rankings on SERPs since this is something that search engine algorithms take into account when deciding where a particular webpage should be placed in their results list




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