旨在通过各种方法来增加公司或个人的站点在各大搜索引擎中的可见度和流量。SEO 还能够使企业利用互联网平台不断扩大影响力、保留客户、寻找新客户以及促进销售。SEO百科


1. 什么是SEO?

SEO(Search Engine Optimization)指的是搜索引擎优化。它是一项在互联网上进行有效市场营销的重要手段,旨在通过各种方法来增加公司或个人的站点在各大搜索引擎中的可见度和流量。

2. SEO 的作用

SEO能够帮助企业将其产品或服务准确而快速地告诉目标客户。此外,SEO 还能够使企业利用互联网平台不断扩大影响力、保留客户、寻找新客户以及促进销售。

3. SEO 关键字如何选择?


根据Google Adwords Keyword Planner工具来寻找最佳的SEO 关键字,Adwords Keyword Planner 是 Google AdWords 的一部分, 可以带来很好的数量/质量数据, 有助于协助优化者去理想化竞争者之间竞争情况, 从而避开不必要之竞争; 同时也能够带来新思考方法, 进考寻找新话题/新方法去尝试; 本已看出Keyword Planner 的作用之重大!

4. SEO 技巧

(1) 高效语义URL: URL(Uniform Resource Locator)是Web上一个特定页面上信息内容的“地址” ,URL中应当包含keywords ,例如 .

   (2) Title Tag : title tag 是HTML代码中 标记之间 标记内部代表web page title 的meta data .Title tags should be unique for each page and include relevant keywords to the content of that particular page .

  (3) Meta Description : meta description is a brief summary of what the web page is about and it appears in search engine results pages below the title tag .Meta descriptions should also contain relevant keywords but they should not exceed 160 characters in length .

  (4) Header Tags : header tags are HTML elements used to identify headings and subheadings within your content .They range from H1 to H6 with H1 being the most important heading tag and H6 being the least important one .Header tags help search engines understand what your content is about as well as make it easier for users to scan through your website's content quickly by providing them with an outline of its structure .

5. SEO 失效警告

(1). 高风险Link Building: Link building involves creating links from other websites back to yours in order to increase your website's visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs).However, if done incorrectly or excessively this can lead to penalties from Google which could have a negative impact on rankings or even cause deindexing altogether so caution must be exercised when engaging in link building activities..

(2). Cloaking & Doorway Pages: Cloaking refers to showing different versions of a web page depending on who is viewing it while doorway pages are designed specifically for search engines rather than humans which can lead to penalties if discovered by Google..




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