
进行评价;alt text 将代表图片;连向合起website之page;


1. 站内SEO优化是指在网站的各个页面中,通过对关键词、标题、URL等因素的调整,来提升网站在搜索引擎上的可见度和流量。

2. SEO站内优化有助于帮助用户快速找到想要的信息,以及将相关信息准确无误地呈现出来。

3. SEO站内优化也能够帮助你实施有效的广告宣传和品牌影响力,从而使你的业务得到不断发展。

4. SEO站内优化也能够帮助你节省大量时间去进行其他工作(如开发新产品或者服务)。


1. 内容质量: 高质量的原创性文字是SEO中不可或缺的部分, 搜索引擎依然将原创性作为一个重要因子, 进行评价;

2. 内容标题: 搜索引擎对标题(title)也是十分看重, 如此就显得标题(title)尤其重要;

3. URL: URL应当显得相对干净, 有意义;

4. Meta Description: meta description是一般用来吸引人们前往你所代表之web site; 5 . Alt Text : alt text 意味者alternative text , 由此alt text 的意思就是当图片无法显示时 , alt text 将代表图片 ; 6 . H1 Tag : h1 tag 意味者heading 1 tag , 这tag 都由

组成 ; 7 . Internal Linking : internal linking 意味者site content link to other page within the same website , 连向合起website之page ; 8 . Sitemap : sitemap is a list of pages available for crawling by search engine spiders or crawlers and users alike ; 9 . Robots File : robots file is used to give instructions about their site to web robots (or bots); it's also known as the robots exclusion protocol (REP). It's a special file that tells search engines which pages they should index and which ones they shouldn't index.; 10 . Canonicalization :canonicalization means making sure that all your URLs are consistent with each other so that you don’t have duplicate content issues.; 11 . Structured Data Markup :structured data markup helps search engines understand what information is on your page and how it relates to other pieces of content on the web.; 12 . Image Optimization :image optimization involves reducing image size while maintaining quality in order to improve loading times.; 13 . Mobile-Friendly Design :mobile-friendly design ensures that visitors can easily access your website from any device without having to zoom in or scroll horizontally..







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