










IDispatch *pExcelApp;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Excel, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pExcelApp);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    printf("Failed to create Excel application object. Error code: 0x%08lx
", hr);
    return 1;


IDispatch *pWorkbook;
hr = pExcelApp>Invoke(0x0000000A, IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pWorkbook);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    printf("Failed to create workbook object. Error code: 0x%08lx
", hr);
    return 1;


IDispatch *pWorksheet;
hr = pWorkbook>Invoke(0x00000006, IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pWorksheet);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    printf("Failed to create worksheet object. Error code: 0x%08lx
", hr);
    return 1;


BSTR bstrText;
long row = 1; // Row index (starts from 1)
long col = 1; // Column index (starts from 1)
bstrText = SysAllocString(L"Hello, World!"); // Text to be written in the cell
pWorksheet>Invoke(0x000006BA, NULL, IID_NULL, (LPVOID)&row, (LPVOID)&col, bstrText, NULL); // Write text to the cell at row and column index (row=1, col=1) in the active sheet of the active workbook. The text is written as a string value. If you want to write a number or a date, you need to convert it to a string first.
SysFreeString(bstrText); // Free the memory allocated for the string text. We don't need it anymore because we have already written it to the cell.


BSTR bstrFileName;
bstrFileName = SysAllocString(L"test.xlsx"); // File name to save the workbook as an Excel file. You can change this to any valid file name with a .xlsx extension. If you want to save the workbook as a different format (e.g., .xls), you need to change the file extension accordingly. For example, if you want to save the workbook as an Excel 972003 Workbook (.xls), you need to use "test.xls" as the file name instead of "test.xlsx". If you want to save the workbook in a specific folder, you can add the folder path before the file name using a backslash (). For example, if you want to save the workbook in the "Documents" folder of the current user's home directory, you can use "Documents\test.xlsx" as the file name instead of "test.xlsx". pWorkbook>SaveAs(bstrFileName, 4143 /*xlOpenXMLWorkbook*/); // Save the workbook as an Excel file with the specified file name and format. The second parameter specifies the format of the file to be saved. In this case, we are saving the workbook as an Excel Open XML Workbook (4143). If you want to save the workbook as a different format, you need to change this parameter accordingly. For example, if you want to save the workbook as an Excel 972003 Workbook (4152), you need to use 4152 instead of 4143. SysFreeString(bstrFileName); // Free the memory allocated for the file name string. We don't need it anymore because we have already saved the workbook as an Excel file with the specified file name and format. pWorksheet>Release(); pWorkbook>Release(); pExcelApp>Release(); CoUninitialize(); return 0; // Successfully created and saved an Excel file using C language and Microsoft's COM technology on Windows platform. } else { printf("Failed to save workbook as an Excel file. Error code: 0x%08lx
", hr); } pWorksheet>Release(); pWorkbook>Release(); pExcelApp>Release(); CoUninitialize(); return 1; // Unsuccessful attempt to create and save an Excel file using C language and Microsoft's COM technology on Windows platform. } else { printf("Failed to save workbook as an Excel file. Error code: 0x%08lx
", hr); } pWorksheet>Release(); pWorkbook>Release(); pExcelApp>Release(); CoUninitialize(); return 1; // Unsuccessful attempt to create and save an Excel file using C language and Microsoft's COM technology on Windows platform. } else { printf("Failed to save workbook as an Excel file. Error code: 0x%08lx
", hr); } pWorksheet>Release(); pWorkbook>Release(); pExcelApp>Release(); CoUninitialize(); return 1; // Unsuccessful attempt to create and save an Excel file using C language and Microsoft's COM technology on Windows platform. } else { printf("Failed to save workbook as an Excel file. Error code: 0x%08lx
", hr); } pWorksheet>Release(); pWorkbook>Release(); pExcelApp>Release(); CoUninitialize(); return 1; // Unsuccessful attempt to create and save an




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