
centos 7 64 位系统,为了测试,把/usr/lib64重命名成了/usr/lib64.bk,结果发现,在运行vi命令的时候报错:


-bash: /usr/bin/vi: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory



然后开始baidu,很多都是设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_PRELOAD这两个环境变量,来改变应用程序所调用库文件的路径(因为默认的库文件路径/usr/lib64被我改成了/usr/lib64.bk)。于是尝试:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64.bk
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64.bk



ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 is a pretty core part of your OS. It actually runs every (64 bit) dynamic application. It's not a library as much as an app itself, a handler that is called when you run an app.

Basically, when you run a dynamic app, the kernel first runs ld-linux.so (or whatever name it is for your bitsize, distro, etc). ld-linux.so then peers into your app, sees the libraries that you need, sees any hard coded paths for the libraries (e.g. rpath's) checks LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and then goes looking for all those libraries, makes sure they match bitsizes, names, what have you. It then collects all of those, loads them, and runs your app. If it can't find the libs, it doesn't run your app.

ld-linux.so can not be affected by LD_LIBRARY_PATH because it is run by the kernel, and the kernel does not load libraries like ld-linux.so does, it just has the one it's configured to run. Again, not a library, so don't use library semantics (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to change how it's called. It does have environment variables that affect it running - see man ld-linux.so for details.





 /lib/ld-linux.so.* [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS]]

      --library-path path Use path instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable

setting (see below).




You have invoked `ld.so', the helper program for shared library executables. This program usually lives in the file `/lib/ld.so', and special directives in executable files using ELF shared libraries tell the system's program loader to load the helper program from this file.  This helper program loads the shared libraries needed by the program executable, prepares the program to run, and runs it.  You may invoke this helper program directly from the command line to load and run an ELF executable file; this is like executing that file itself, but always uses this helper program from the file you specified, instead of the helper program file specified in the executable file you run.  This is mostly of use for maintainers to test new versions of this helper program; chances are you did not intend to run this program.  --list                list all dependencies and how they are resolved  --verify              verify that given object really is a dynamically linked                        object we can handle  --inhibit-cache      Do not use /etc/ld.so.cache  --library-path PATH  use given PATH instead of content of the environment                        variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH  --inhibit-rpath LIST  ignore RUNPATH and RPATH information in object names                        in LIST  --audit LIST          use objects named in LIST as auditor

/usr/lib64.bk/ld-2.17.so  --library-path /usr/lib64.bk /usr/bin/cp /usr/lib64.bk/ /usr/lib64 -fr
Segmentation fault




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