
tkinter.tix —- TK扩展包

源代码: Lib/tkinter/tix.py

3.6 版后已移除: 这个 TK 扩展已无人维护所以请不要在新代码中使用。 请改用 tkinter.ttk。

tkinter.tix (Tk Interface Extension) 模块提供了更丰富的额外可视化部件集。 虽然标准 Tk 库包含许多有用的部件,但还远不够完备。 tkinter.tix 库提供了标准 Tk 所缺少的大量常用部件: HList, ComboBox, Control (即 SpinBox) 以及一系列可滚动的部件。 tkinter.tix 还包括了大量在多种不同领域的应用中很常用的部件: NoteBook, FileEntry, PanedWindow 等等;总共有超过 40 种。

使用这些新增部件,你可以为应用程序引入新的交互技术,创建更好用且更直观的用户界面。 你在设计应用程序时可以通过选择最适合的部件来匹配你的应用程序和用户的特殊需求。


Tix Homepage

Tix 的主页。 其中包括附加文档和下载资源的链接。

Tix Man Pages


Tix Programming Guide


Tix Development Applications

开发 Tix 和 Tkinter 程序的 Tix 应用。 Tide 应用在 Tk 在 Tkinter 下工作,并包括了 TixInspect,这是一个可远程修改和调试 Tix/Tk/Tkinter 应用的检查工具。

使用 Tix

class tkinter.tix.Tk(screenName=None, baseName=None, className=’Tix’)

最常用于代表应用主窗口的最高层级部件。 它具有一个相关联的 Tcl 解释器。interpreter.

tkinter.tix 模块中的类子类化了 tkinter 中的类。 前者会导入后者,因此 tkinter.tix 要使用 Tkinter,你所要做的就是导入一个模块。 通常,你可以只导入 tkinter.tix,并将最高层级调用由 tkinter.Tk 替换为 tix.Tk:

  1. from tkinter import tix
  2. from tkinter.constants import *
  3. root = tix.Tk()

要使用 tkinter.tix,你必须安装有 Tix 部件,通常会与你的 Tk 部分一起安装。 要测试你的安装,请尝试以下代码:

  1. from tkinter import tix
  2. root = tix.Tk()
  3. root.tk.eval('package require Tix')

Tix 部件

Tix introduces over 40 widget classes to the tkinter repertoire.


class tkinter.tix.Balloon

A Balloon that pops up over a widget to provide help. When the user moves the cursor inside a widget to which a Balloon widget has been bound, a small pop-up window with a descriptive message will be shown on the screen.

class tkinter.tix.ButtonBox

The ButtonBox widget creates a box of buttons, such as is commonly used for Ok Cancel.

class tkinter.tix.ComboBox

The ComboBox widget is similar to the combo box control in MS Windows. The user can select a choice by either typing in the entry subwidget or selecting from the listbox subwidget.

class tkinter.tix.Control

The Control widget is also known as the SpinBox widget. The user can adjust the value by pressing the two arrow buttons or by entering the value directly into the entry. The new value will be checked against the user-defined upper and lower limits.

class tkinter.tix.LabelEntry

The LabelEntry widget packages an entry widget and a label into one mega widget. It can be used to simplify the creation of “entry-form” type of interface.

class tkinter.tix.LabelFrame

The LabelFrame widget packages a frame widget and a label into one mega widget. To create widgets inside a LabelFrame widget, one creates the new widgets relative to the frame subwidget and manage them inside the frame subwidget.

class tkinter.tix.Meter

The Meter widget can be used to show the progress of a background job which may take a long time to execute.

class tkinter.tix.OptionMenu

The OptionMenu creates a menu button of options.

class tkinter.tix.PopupMenu

The PopupMenu widget can be used as a replacement of the tk_popup command. The advantage of the Tix PopupMenu widget is it requires less application code to manipulate.

class tkinter.tix.Select

The Select widget is a container of button subwidgets. It can be used to provide radio-box or check-box style of selection options for the user.

class tkinter.tix.StdButtonBox

The StdButtonBox widget is a group of standard buttons for Motif-like dialog boxes.


class tkinter.tix.DirList

The DirList widget displays a list view of a directory, its previous directories and its sub-directories. The user can choose one of the directories displayed in the list or change to another directory.

class tkinter.tix.DirTree

The DirTree widget displays a tree view of a directory, its previous directories and its sub-directories. The user can choose one of the directories displayed in the list or change to another directory.

class tkinter.tix.DirSelectDialog

The DirSelectDialog widget presents the directories in the file system in a dialog window. The user can use this dialog window to navigate through the file system to select the desired directory.

class tkinter.tix.DirSelectBox

DirSelectBox 类似于标准的 Motif(TM) 目录选择框。 它通常用于让用户选择一个目录。 DirSelectBox 会将最近选择的目录存放在一个 ComboBox 部件中以便可以再次快速地选择它们。

class tkinter.tix.ExFileSelectBox

The ExFileSelectBox widget is usually embedded in a tixExFileSelectDialog widget. It provides a convenient method for the user to select files. The style of the ExFileSelectBox widget is very similar to the standard file dialog on MS Windows 3.1.

class tkinter.tix.FileSelectBox

The FileSelectBox is similar to the standard Motif(TM) file-selection box. It is generally used for the user to choose a file. FileSelectBox stores the files mostly recently selected into a ComboBox widget so that they can be quickly selected again.

class tkinter.tix.FileEntry

The FileEntry widget can be used to input a filename. The user can type in the filename manually. Alternatively, the user can press the button widget that sits next to the entry, which will bring up a file selection dialog.


class tkinter.tix.HList

The HList widget can be used to display any data that have a hierarchical structure, for example, file system directory trees. The list entries are indented and connected by branch lines according to their places in the hierarchy.

class tkinter.tix.CheckList

The CheckList widget displays a list of items to be selected by the user. CheckList acts similarly to the Tk checkbutton or radiobutton widgets, except it is capable of handling many more items than checkbuttons or radiobuttons.

class tkinter.tix.Tree

The Tree widget can be used to display hierarchical data in a tree form. The user can adjust the view of the tree by opening or closing parts of the tree.


class tkinter.tix.TList

The TList widget can be used to display data in a tabular format. The list entries of a TList widget are similar to the entries in the Tk listbox widget. The main differences are (1) the TList widget can display the list entries in a two dimensional format and (2) you can use graphical images as well as multiple colors and fonts for the list entries.


class tkinter.tix.PanedWindow

The PanedWindow widget allows the user to interactively manipulate the sizes of several panes. The panes can be arranged either vertically or horizontally. The user changes the sizes of the panes by dragging the resize handle between two panes.

class tkinter.tix.ListNoteBook

The ListNoteBook widget is very similar to the TixNoteBook widget: it can be used to display many windows in a limited space using a notebook metaphor. The notebook is divided into a stack of pages (windows). At one time only one of these pages can be shown. The user can navigate through these pages by choosing the name of the desired page in the hlist subwidget.

class tkinter.tix.NoteBook

The NoteBook widget can be used to display many windows in a limited space using a notebook metaphor. The notebook is divided into a stack of pages. At one time only one of these pages can be shown. The user can navigate through these pages by choosing the visual “tabs” at the top of the NoteBook widget.


tkinter.tix 模块增加了:

  • pixmap capabilities to all tkinter.tix and tkinter widgets to create color images from XPM files.

  • Compound image types can be used to create images that consists of multiple horizontal lines; each line is composed of a series of items (texts, bitmaps, images or spaces) arranged from left to right. For example, a compound image can be used to display a bitmap and a text string simultaneously in a Tk Button widget.


class tkinter.tix.InputOnly

The InputOnly widgets are to accept inputs from the user, which can be done with the bind command (Unix only).


tkinter.tix 还额外提供了以下部件来增强 tkinter 的功能:

class tkinter.tix.Form

The Form geometry manager based on attachment rules for all Tk widgets.

Tix 命令

class tkinter.tix.tixCommand

The tix commands provide access to miscellaneous elements of Tix‘s internal state and the Tix application context. Most of the information manipulated by these methods pertains to the application as a whole, or to a screen or display, rather than to a particular window.


  1. from tkinter import tix
  2. root = tix.Tk()
  3. print(root.tix_configure())

tixCommand.tix_configure(cnf=None, \*kw*)

查询或修改 Tix 应用程序上下文的配置选项。 如果未指定任何选项,则返回包含所有选项的字典。 如果指定了不带值的选项,则该方法返回描述指定选项的列表(如果未指定选项则此列表与所返回值对应的子列表相同)。 如果指定了一个或多个选项-值对,则该方法会将指定的选项修改为指定的值;在此情况下该方法将返回一个空字符串。 选项可以是配置选项中的任何一个。


返回由 option 给出的配置选项的当前值。 选项可以是配置选项中的任何一个。


在某个位图目录中定位名称为 name.xpmname 的位图文件(位图目录参见 tix_addbitmapdir() 方法)。 通过使用 tix_getbitmap(),你可以避免在你的应用程序中硬编码位图文件的路径名。 执行成功时,它返回位图文件的完整路径名,并带有前缀字符 @。 返回值可被用于配置 Tk 和 Tix 部件的 bitmap 选项。


Tix 维护了一个列表以供 tix_getimage() 和 tix_getbitmap() 方法在其中搜索图像文件。 标准位图目录是 $TIX_LIBRARY/bitmaps。 tix_addbitmapdir() 方法向该列表添加了 directory。 通过使用此方法,应用程序的图像文件也可使用 tix_getimage() 或 tix_getbitmap() 方法来定位。


返回可在来自该应用程序的同不调用之间共享的选择对话框。 此方法将在首次被调用时创建一个选择对话框部件。 此后对 tix_filedialog() 的所有调用都将返回该对话框。 可以传入一个字符串形式的可选形参 dlgclass 来指明所需的选择对话框类型。 可用的选项有 tix, FileSelectDialogtixExFileSelectDialog

tixCommand.tix_getimage(self, name)

在某个位图目录(参见上文的 tix_addbitmapdir() 方法)中定位名为 name.xpm, name.xbmname.ppm 的图像文件。 如果存在多个同名文件(但扩展名不同),则会按照 X 显示的深度选择图像类型:单色显示选择 xbm 图像而彩色显示则选择彩色图像。 通过使用 tix_getimage(),你可以避免在你的应用程序中硬编码图像文件的路径名。 当执行成功时,此方法将返回新创建图像的名称,它可被用于配置 Tk 和 Tix 部件的 image 选项。


获取由 Tix 方案机制维护的选项。

tixCommand.tix_resetoptions(newScheme, newFontSet[, newScmPrio])

将 Tix 应用程序的方案与字体集分别重置为 newSchemenewFontSet。 这只会影响调用此方法之后创建的部件。 因此,最好是在 Tix 应用程序的任何部件被创建之前调用 resetoptions 方法。

可以给出可选的形参 newScmPrio 来重置由 Tix 方案所设置的 Tk 选项的优先级。

由于 Tk 处理 X 选项数据库的特别方式,在 Tix 被导入并初始化之后,将无法再使用 tix_config() 方法来重置颜色方案和字体集。 而必须要使用 tix_resetoptions() 方法。




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