


编写一个 Python 程序来迭代集合项。Python for 循环是迭代集合项最常见的循环。在这个例子中,我们使用 for 循环来迭代数字和字符串集。

# Itearte Over Sets

set1 = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}

print("The Total Items in this Set = ")
for val in set1:
    print(val, end = ' ')

set2 = set("Tutorial Gateway")

print("The Total Items in this Set = ")
for char in set2:
    print(char, end = ' ')

迭代集合项的 Python 程序

在这里,我们将集合转换为列表,并使用 for 循环范围根据索引迭代和打印集合项。

# Itearte Over Sets

set1 = {11, 33, 55, 77, 99, 111}

list1 = list(set1)

print("The Total Items in this Set = ")
for i in range(len(list1)):
    print(list1[i], end = ' ')

set2 = set("TutorialGateway")
list2 = list(set2)

print("\n\nThe Total Items in this Set = ")
for i in range(len(list2)):
    print(list2[i], end = ' ')


The Total Items in this Set = 
33 99 55 11 77 111 

The Total Items in this Set = 
l r G w u i y o t a e T 

这个 Python 程序使用枚举来迭代集合项。一般来说,我们不需要身份证。所以可以在 enumerate(setName)中使用 for _,值。

# Itearte Over Sets

set1 = {11, 33, 55, 77, 99, 111}

print("The Total Items in this Set = ")
for i, value in enumerate(set1):
    print(i, value)

set2 = set("Python")

print("\nThe Total Items in this Set = ")
for i, value in enumerate(set2):
     print(i, value)

print("\nThe Total Items in this Set = ")
for _, value in enumerate(set1):
    print(value, end = '  ')

print("\nThe Total Items in this Set = ")
for _, value in enumerate(set2):
     print(value, end = '  ')


The Total Items in this Set = 
0 33
1 99
2 55
3 11
4 77
5 111

The Total Items in this Set = 
0 y
1 o
2 n
3 t
4 P
5 h

The Total Items in this Set = 
33  99  55  11  77  111  
The Total Items in this Set = 
y  o  n  t  P  h 


# Itearte Over Sets

set1 = {5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40}

print("The Total Items in this Set = ")
x = [print(val, end = ' ') for val in set1]

set2 = set("Python")

print("The Total Items in this Set = ")
x = list(val for val in set2)


The Total Items in this Set = 
35 20 5 40 25 10 30 The Total Items in this Set = 
['h', 'P', 'y', 'o', 't', 'n']
h P y o t n




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