1. 关键字优化
2. 搜索引擎优化
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 是一门十分重要而又花时间去琢磨怎么调整好 SEO 策略方法, 这样才能看出 SEO 地位之重要性, 那就是 SEO 有效地将海量信息归零汇总, 进而便于大家搜寻想要之信息. 如此, 搜寻引���便成于快速、出色之作用!
3. 竞价广告
竞价广告(PPC) 是一门十分浩大考验度之补充方法, PPC 又被誉为 Pay Per Click , 采取 PPC 虽然沒有 SEO 高明般水准, 但却能够快速上位於 SERP (Search Engine Result Page), 若想快速上位於 SERP , PPC 天然成于不可或缺之道!
4. 社交媒体优化
随着 Web 2.0 的飞速前进 , Social Media Marketing ( SMM ) 已然成于 21st Century Internet Marketing Strategy ! SMM 有效地将 Social Networking Sites ( SNS ) 连勾三代 , Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram Pinterest Google+ Tumblr Flickr Delicious Digg StumbleUpon Reddit Diigo FriendFeed Foursquare MySpace Linkedin Meetup Ning Tagged VKontakte Weibo Xanga LiveJournal WordPress TypePad Blogger Tumblr Medium Disqus etc...etc..etc..
5. 链接建立/Link Building
Link Building 正如前文所说 : 「 Links are like votes for a website in the eyes of search engines.」 Link Building 有效地将 Quality Content + Quality Links = High Ranking Position ! Link Building 天然意味「Quality Content」+「Quality Links」=「High Ranking Position」!
6. Mobile Friendly Website Design & Development
Mobile Friendly Website Design & Development is very important for e-commerce websites because more and more people are using mobile devices to access the internet these days . A good mobile friendly website design should be able to provide users with an easy and convenient way to browse through your products or services on their mobile devices . It should also be optimized for different screen sizes so that it can look great no matter what device they use .
7. Local Search Optimization Local Search Optimization is another important part of e-commerce websites as it helps businesses reach out to local customers who may not have heard about them before . By optimizing your website for local searches you can make sure that potential customers in your area will find you when they search online . This will help increase traffic to your site and potentially lead to more sales as well .
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