
3. 冗余性张贴广告信息:多IP地址作弊(multi-ip cheating);


1. 网页内容质量低下:包括文字内容过于简单或者太过生动、图片质量差、信息来源不可靠。

2. 违反法律法规的行为:如有侵权行为或其他影响用户正常使用的情况出现时。

3. 冗余性张贴广告信息: 易导致浏览者地盘上易遭到诱导而造成浪费时间,同时曝光度会高于真正有意义的信息。

4. 黑帽SEO手法: 如大量使用关键词作弊,隐射性文字,夸大宣传之飞快效益;含有连锁套装代理/中介/广告方式;利用“闲人”去留影评(spam) ; 多IP地址作弊(multi-ip cheating); 悬浮广告 (floating ads) 等都将会针对性地受到Baidu SEO 系统惩处!

5 . 未能遵循 Baidu Webmaster Guidelines : Baidu Webmaster Guidelines要 求 webmasters 需要尤其注意 content quality , user experience and technical optimization ;如webmasters 胆敢剥夺 users' right to choose or mislead them in any way , their websites will be punished by the search engine !

6 . 忽略 robots txt file : Robots txt file is a very important part of website optimization which can help search engines better understand your website structure and indexing rules ; if you ignore it or make mistakes when writing it , then your site may not get indexed properly by baidu !

7 . Low PageRank & Poor User Experience : If the page rank of a certain webpage is too low due to poor user experience such as slow loading speed or bad navigation design etc., then this page won't be favored by baidu either!

8 . Duplicate Content Issues & Link Exchange Practices : Search engines don't like duplicate contents because they are considered as spammy practices that could lead to lower rankings for all involved sites ; similarly link exchange practices should also be avoided since they could result in penalties from search engines like baiduso on ! 9 . Malicious Code Injection & Hacking Attempts: Any malicious code injection attempts into websites would definitely trigger alarms at major search engine companies includingb aid u so these activities must always been guarded against with proper security measures taken up front before launching any new online projects !! 10.. Unnatural Links Building Activities& Cloaking Techniques: Unnatural links building activities such as buying links from other sites without providing value backto those linking partners would eventually hurt your own ranking efforts while cloaking techniques usedfor hiding certain pages from being crawledby bots might even cause permanent banishmentfrom major SERPs !!





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