
ORA0001: Database Error Code Analysis

Oracle databases have gned immense popularity in the IT industry and are widely used by businesses of all sizes. However, like any other software, Oracle databases can also experience issues and errors. One of the most common errors that Oracle database administrators encounter is the ORA0001 error code. In this article, we will yze the ORA0001 error code and discuss ways to resolve it.

What is the ORA0001 error code?

The ORA0001 error code, also known as the “unique constrnt violated” error, occurs when a user tries to insert a record into a table with a unique index or primary key column constrnt that already has the same value. Essentially, the error indicates a violation of data integrity rules that are set up by the database administrator. The error message will look something like this:

ORA-00001: unique constrnt (constrnt_name) violated

The term “constrnt_name” refers to the name of the constrnt that was violated by the insert statement.

What causes the ORA0001 error code?

The ORA0001 error code can occur due to various reasons, such as:

1. Duplicate primary keys: The primary key of the table is the column or columns that uniquely identify each row. If a user tries to insert a record with a primary key that already exists in the table, Oracle will throw the ORA0001 error.

2. Duplicate unique indexes: A unique index is a constrnt that makes sure that no two rows in the table have the same values in the indexed columns. If a user tries to insert a record with the same values as an existing record in the indexed columns, Oracle will throw the ORA0001 error.

3. Application errors: If the user’s application code is not properly handling unique constrnt errors, then it could lead to the ORA0001 error.

How to resolve the ORA0001 error code?

The process of resolving the ORA0001 error code depends on the cause of the error. Here are some ways to resolve the error code:

1. Delete the existing row: If the user wants to insert a record with the same primary key or unique index value as an existing row, the first step is to delete the existing row. This will free up the constrnt so that the new record can be inserted.

2. Update the row: If the user wants to update the row with the existing primary key or unique index value, the first step is to update the existing row instead of inserting a new one.

3. Modify the constrnt: If the user wants to insert or update a row with the same primary key or unique index value as an existing row, the database administrator can modify the constrnt to allow duplicates.

4. Handle the error in the application code: If the ORA0001 error is caused due to the application code not handling unique constrnt errors properly, the user can modify the application code to handle the error and prevent it from happening agn.


The ORA0001 error code is a common error encountered by Oracle database administrators when working with primary keys or unique indexes. Understanding the cause of the error and taking the necessary steps to resolve it can help database administrators mntn data integrity and ensure the ooth functioning of the database. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively address and fix the ORA0001 error code.



ORA-1110 、ORA-1122错误一起出现一般意味着对应号码/名字的数据文件存在问题, 而更底下的错误号一般能揭示该问题的本质,例如ORA-1200是说明数据文件的实际大小小于预期的大小。

针对有亩笑完整备份和归档的数据库可以尝试常规RESTORE、REOCOVER的方法来恢复该数据文件,而对于没哟任何形式物理备份的数据库而言,可以尝试使用DD等手段来修改数据文件大小,并绕过该问题。 注意这样做只是绕过问题而已,可能丢失的数据仍会丢失,并不会因此而恢复。

dd if= of= count= bs=

Taking the above example (First we take an dd backup of datafile):

dd if=/u02/oradata/careware/users01.dbf of=/tmp/corr_temp.DBF count=64000 bs=8192

Now add 1600 zero blocks to datafile /u02/oradata/careware/users01.dbf


dd if=/dev/zero of= bs= seek= count=

In parameter seek specify the block from which it should append 1600 blocks.

In this case since the file contains(as indicated by the error message) so seek=64001 which is the next block from where the append will occur.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/u02/oradata/careware/users01.dbf bs=8192 seek=64001 count=1600 conv=notrunc

Now check the file size at OS level (It should be* 8192 + 8192)bytes

Do a ls -lrt  to confirm the same.

Warning!! Once the database is open, export all the objects present in the 迅陪含乱销tablespace containing the datafile. Please note that for any segment which had blocks that got

truncated at OS level, the export may fail if it tries to read data from the zero padded blocks. In that case it may be needed to apply a procedure to salvage good records.

Once export is complete, create a new tablespace and import the data.

Once it is confirmed that the data is good, drop the old tablespace.



oracle 数据库启动失败,求大神解决

datafile 5已经损坏或丢失,如果有备份,可以通过recover datafile 5进行恢复,如果没有备份文件,恢复会失败,可以删除datafile 5后,在重新启动数据库

startup mount

alter database datafile 5 offline drop;

alter database open;

Oracle DBA神器:PRM-DUL灾难恢复工具可以直接从这种受损的Oracle数据库中将数据拯救出来。

当你的数据库因为ORA-00600/ORA-07445或其他ORA-报错,或丢失关键的system表空间数据文件,或A diskgroup损坏时均可以考虑采用PRM-DUL来做恢复。PRM-DUL采用独创的DataBridge恢复技术,直接从数据文件中抽取数据后可以像DBLINK那样直接插入到新建数据库中,而无需数据落地成为DMP文件占用空间。

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