




sudo addaptrepository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa


sudo aptget update

接下来,安装指定版本的Python,例如安装Python 3.8:

sudo aptget install python3.8


python3.8 version



sudo aptget update
sudo aptget install y make buildessential libssldev zlib1gdev libbz2dev 
libreadlinedev libsqlite3dev wget curl llvm libncurses5dev libncursesw5dev 
xzutils tkdev libffidev liblzmadev pythonopenssl git
curl https://pyenv.run | bash


echo 'export PATH="~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init )"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

安装指定版本的Python,例如安装Python 3.8:

pyenv install 3.8.0


pyenv global 3.8.0


python version



sudo aptget install python3pip


pip3 install upgrade pip


pip3 list outdated | cut d " " f 1 | xargs n 1 pip3 install U


python3 version && pip3 list outdated | grep v "^(Requirement already uptodate|Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement)" && echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit 1; echo "Update failed." && exit 1; echo "Python and thirdparty libraries are updated." || exit




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