p=12345 这样无意义而难以理解的URLs .2. 高效能图片呈现SEO不光只有文字部分?一、简介
1. 建立易于理解的URL
URL即Uniform Resource Locator, 意思就是“通用资源定位器”, 能够带来相当大的SEO优势。URL应该保留所有关键字, 并且要易于理解, 避免出现无意义而难以理解的字眼; 如www.example.com/product-category/shoes/red-shoes/. 不要使用 www.example.com/?p=12345 这样无意义而难以理解的URLs .
2. 高效能图片呈现
SEO不光只有文字部分, 图片也能带来巩固效果; 比如: ALT tags (alternative text) , title tags , captioning and description of the image . ALT tags 是一个HTML代表图片信息(description) 的标志 ; Title tag 是一个 HTML代表图片title 的标志 ; Captioning & Description of the Image 是对图片进行captioning & description 的方法 . 这三者都能够带来相当大SEO优势 .
3. 高效能内容呈现
Content is King! SEO 本就是 content driven , 因此要想得到好SEO performance , content quality should be taken into consideration firstly ! Content should be well organized with proper headings and subheadings to make it easier for search engine crawlers to understand what your website is about ! Also try to use keywords in your content as much as possible without making it look spammy or unnatural ! Last but not least , keep updating your website regularly with fresh contents so that search engines can crawl them more often !
4. 多页面Link Building Strategy
Link building strategy plays an important role in SEO too! Try to link different pages on your website together by using anchor texts which are related to the page you are linking from and also relevant to the page you are linking too! This will help search engine crawlers better understand what each page is about and thus improve its ranking on SERPs (search engine result pages). Besides internal links between different pages on your website, external links from other websites can also help boost up rankings significantly if they come from high authority sites like Wikipedia or government websites etc..
5. Mobile Friendly Design & Responsive Web Design (RWD)
With mobile devices becoming increasingly popular nowadays, having a mobile friendly design has become essential for any successful online business! Make sure that all elements on your webpages such as images and videos are optimized for both desktop computers and mobile devices so that users can have a smooth browsing experience no matter which device they use! Also consider implementing responsive web design (RWD), which allows webpages to automatically adjust their layout according to different screen sizes without compromising user experience at all times!
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