
搜索引擎是通过分析用户输入的关键字来实现相应内容的检索,也就是说如何使用Google Search Console来保障你的站点正常运行并拒绝spam行为,一、SEO优化常犯的三处错误总结


1. 忽略关键字:很多人在做SEO优化时,都忽略了关键字。搜索引擎是通过分析用户输入的关键字来实现相应内容的检索,因此如果不考虑好合理的关键字,就可能对SEO效果产生影响。

2. 盲目加量:有些站长为了快速将自己的站点在搜索引擎中占有一席之地,便想方设法去加量文章内容以及外部连出数量。但是要注意不要盲目加量,因为这样会适得其反。

3. 违反Google Webmaster Guidelines: Google Webmaster Guidelines 是Google对webmasters所作出的行为准则, 也就是说如何使用Google Search Console来保障你的站点正常运行并拒绝spam行为, 如遵守规则, 页面上不能有任何形式广告、间谍代理、隐形文本或者间谍JavaScript代码; 也不能使用“cloaking”(伪装) 技术; 也不能使用“doorway pages”(门户) 技术; 也不能使用"link farms"( 链接农场 ) 等方式来向Google Search Engine 植入广告信息。如此手法显然是违反Guidelines 的, 虽然看上去很吸引人, 但千万要遵守规则!

二、 SEO优化内容

1. 关键词选取: 首先要考虑好合理的keywords ;根据流行度、竞争度以及物料特性权衡选出合适keywords ;核心keywords 和long tail keywords 要一一对应 ; 本文中所使用 key words 要少而独特 ; keyword density (KD) 要保证 2%-5%之间 ; title tag , description tag , h1-h6 tags , alt tags 等 meta tags 都要包含 keywords .

2. URL & Anchor Text : URL & anchor text (anchor link ) 是 SEO optimization process中必不可少的部分 .URLs should be short and descriptive with relevant keywords included in them .Anchor texts should also contain relevant keywords to the page they are linking to and should not be too long or too generic .

3. Content Optimization : Content is king when it comes to SEO optimization ! Quality content that is well written and informative will help your website rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Make sure you include relevant keywords in your content as this will help search engines understand what your website is about and thus improve its ranking position . Also make sure you use proper grammar and spelling as this can affect how people perceive your website's credibility .

4. Internal Linking Structure : Internal links are important for SEO optimization because they allow users to navigate through a website easily while helping search engines crawl through the site more efficiently by providing them with an organized structure of information which helps them index webpages faster . It's important that internal links have descriptive anchor texts so that users know where they're going when clicking on a link as well as making sure all internal links point back to their respective source page instead of pointing outwards towards other websites or external sources of information .

5. Image Optimization : Images play an important role in any website design but they can also contribute greatly towards improving a webpage's overall ranking on SERPs if optimized properly for SEO purposes such as using appropriate file names containing relevant keywords along with adding ALT attributes which describe the image accurately within context of the webpage itself - both these steps help search engine crawlers better understand what images are being displayed on each page thus increasing chances of appearing higher up in SERP rankings due to improved relevancy scores assigned by algorithms used by various search engines like Google etc...




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