


1. 合理设计URL:在构建链接时,应该避免使用太多参数或者不必要的参数。同时也要注意URL中是否存在特殊字符,如“&”、“?”以及其它有特殊意义的字符。这些特殊字符会导致浏览器生成大量的无效请求。

2. 使用robots协议文件拒绝不必要的内容:Robots协议文件能够帮助你告诉Googlebot哪些页面是不想要去扫描并收录到Google上的。通过Robots协议文件来告诉Googlebot你想要隐藏或者不想去扫描并收录到Google上的内容,这样就能有效净化你站内部得到 Google 索引而且保留真正有用得 URL 页面。

3. 进行404页面优化: 404 Not Found 是一个HTTP 状态代码, 表明服务器上找不到相应请求得 URL 内容, 即 “Not Found". 为了避免因404 Not Found而导致大量无效请求, 我们可以将 404 页面优化好, 例如在 404 页面中加入相应得 HTML meta tag , robots noindex , rel="canonical" 等方法来告诉 Googlebot 这是一个 404 页面, 不必去 indexing .

4. 启用Gzip压缩: Gzip 是一个 HTTP 服务端已集成好得文件压缩方式, 在 Apache 服务端上启用 Gzip 压缩之后能够将 HTML/CSS/JS 等文件源代码大少出 50%~70%, 能够显然出剧凤 HTTP request 次數 .

5. CDN (Content Delivery Network) : CDN(Content Delivery Network) 是一个 web content delivery system (web content delivery system ) ,CDN 最大作用是将 web page content deliver to user with high performance and availability . By using a CDN service , you can reduce the number of requests sent to your server and improve the loading speed of your website .

6. Cache-Control Header : Cache-Control header is an important part of HTTP protocol which helps browsers determine whether or not they should cache certain resources on their local machine for faster access in future visits . By setting appropriate values for this header , you can ensure that browsers will only fetch resources from your server when necessary instead of making unnecessary requests every time a visitor visits your site . This will help reduce the number of requests made to your server and thus improve the overall performance of your website .

7. Minify Resources : Minifying resources such as JavaScript and CSS files is another way to reduce the number of requests made by visitors' browsers when accessing a webpage on your website . By minifying these files , you can remove all unnecessary characters such as whitespace characters and comments which are not required for execution but still take up space in the file size resulting in fewer bytes being transferred over network connections thereby reducing load times significantly .

8. Use Lazy Loading : Lazy loading is a technique used by developers to delay loading certain elements until they are needed by users instead of preloading them at once during initial page load itself thereby reducing total amount data transferred over network connection while improving overall page load times significantly since only essential elements are loaded first while rest get loaded later on demand basis depending upon user interaction with webpage interface components like scrolling down etcetera..

9. Avoid Redirects : Redirects are often used by developers to redirect users from one URL path to another however it comes at cost since each redirect requires additional round trip between browser client & server before actual resource gets served hence it's always recommended that if possible avoid using too many redirects within same domain or subdomain so as minimize extra latency caused due multiple hops involved in process otherwise use 301 permanent redirection whenever possible so that search engine bots know about new location where requested resource has been moved permanently without any further changes required from their end ..

10 Reduce DNS Lookups: DNS lookups involve resolving hostnames into IP addresses which takes some time depending upon various factors like geographical distance between client & name servers etcetera hence its always recommended that wherever possible try minimizing total number DNS lookups performed per page view either by combining multiple domains into single one or hosting static assets onto same domain as main application codebase itself so as keep total count low enough .. 11 Optimize Images: Images play very important role when it comes designing modern websites however they also come with hefty price tag attached i terms increased bandwidth usage due large file sizes associated with them hence its highly recommended optimize images properly before uploading them onto production environment either manually via tools like Photoshop or automatically via online services available out there so as make sure final output looks good enough yet doesn't consume too much bandwidth unnecessarily .. 12 Enable Keep Alive Connections: Keep alive connections allow clients establish persistent TCP connection between themselves & webserver thereby eliminating need establishing separate connection each time new request needs be sent across allowing subsequent ones reuse existing one already established earlier saving precious milliseconds along way thus helping improve overall response times significantly .. 13 Leverage Browser Caching: Browsers usually store copies locally cached versions previously downloaded assets including images scripts stylesheets fonts etcetera order serve them quickly next time around without having re download again provided expiry date set correctly indicating how long particular asset valid after which fresh copy must fetched again from origin source ... 14 Preconnect To Required Origins Early On In Page Load Process Itself Preconnect feature allows clients initiate early handshake process even before actual request gets issued towards target origin thus saving precious milliseconds along way especially useful cases where external origins involved example third party APIs analytics tracking systems social media widgets etcetera ... 15 Use Content Security Policy Properly Content security policy powerful tool hands developers control what kind resources allowed rendered inside browser window based rules defined within policy document itself enabling block malicious scripts injected unknowingly through third parties sources example ads networks affiliate programs etcetera ....





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