1. 关键词分析:关键词是网站SEO优化中必不可少的部分,因此在进行网站SEO优化之前应当对相关主要关键字进行调整和选定。根据用户使用习惯以及市场上流行的信誉来选定重要性较大的几个量子作为核心关注内容。合理使用多层级、多颗星体式、广度+厚度式以及事物间隐性联办方式来扩大文字内容;
2. 站内代码优化: 针对HTML代码中title,keywords,description三者之间如何协合起来已得到最好效益; 正文部分H1-H6标准如何正常使用; 超文本连接(a)是否能够遵循”nofollow”原理; 地图sitemap生成时是否考虑robots单独声明?
3. 处理404/500/503: 404 Not Found (无法找到), 500 Internal Server Error ( 服务器内郭出事 ), 503 Service Unavailable ( 未能依然满愿 ) 等HTTP Status Code 需要牢牢留意并将URL重命向士301永久重定佄 ;
4. URL Rewrite : URL Rewrite 是一套IIS Web Server上Web Site Url ReWrite Engine , 运⻩RewriteRule ™uleSet™upported by IIS7 and above . It can be used to rewrite URLs in a cleaner fashion , redirecting all traffic from old urls to new ones , and it can also be used to define rules for complex url rewriting logic .
5. Robots & Sitemaps : robots txt is an important part of SEO optimization as it helps search engine crawlers understand which pages should not be indexed or followed on the website . The sitemap file contains information about the structure of your website so that search engines are able to crawl through them more efficiently and accurately index content on your site .
6. Canonicalization :Canonicalization is a process where multiple versions of similar webpages are consolidated into one single version with unique canonical tag pointing back at itself instead of other versions thus avoiding duplicate content issues caused due duplication across different domains or subdomains etc..
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