Apache Tomcat 8.0.9 发布,Tomcat8首个稳定版本



Apache Tomcat发布8.0.9版本,同时这个版本也是8.0的***个stable版本。Tomcat 8需要至少JDK7以上。


  • Support for Java Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified      Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.0.
  • The default connector implementation is now the Java non-blocking      implementation (NIO) for both HTTP and AJP.
  • A new resources implementation that replaces Aliases, VirtualLoader,      VirtualDirContext, JAR resources and external repositories with a single,      consistent approach for configuring additional web application resources.      The new resources implementation can also be used to implement overlays      (using a master WAR as the basis for multiple web applications that each      have their own customizations).

Apache Tomcat 8.0.9 包括了 8.0.8 版本的 bug 修复和大量改进,相对于 8.0.8 版本:

  • Start to move towards RFC6265 for cookie handling
  • Better error handling when the error occurs after the response has been      committed
  • Various Jasper improvements to make it easier for other containers (e.g.      Jetty) to consume



分享名称:Apache Tomcat 8.0.9 发布,Tomcat8首个稳定版本



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