
3. 下文将介绍SEO 6大技巧来帮助你快速写出SEO博客文章并激发文思泉涌。例如去看看当前行业高人气博客上有哪些内容得到大量回复或者留言数量特别多;一、引言

1. SEO(搜索引擎优化)是一项重要的网站优化工作,它可以帮助你的网站在搜索引擎中获得最好的曝光度。

2. 写出SEO博客文章并不是一件容易的事情,因为你必须考虑到诸如关键字密度、内部连接和外部连接等各方面。

3. 下文将介绍SEO 6大技巧来帮助你快速写出SEO博客文章并激发文思泉涌。


1. 首先要找到合适的话题——根据相关行业或者当前流行话题来选取有意义的话题;然后使用Google Keyword Planner或者Semrush之类的工具来找到相应话题能够带来流量和未来可能性最大化。

2. 搜集信息——在写作之前要尽量去了解相关信息;例如去看看当前行业高人气博客上有哪些内容得到大量回复或者留言数量特别多;也可以去问问周围人对这方面是怎么想法。

3. 精准标注关键字——在此之前要使用Google Keyword Planner或者Semrush之类已找好相应keywords;然后将keywords尤其流行keywords标注在title,headline,sub-headline,body text中; 还要避免over optimization(过度优化) ; 合理使用long tail keywords( 长尾 ) 把 key words 嵌套地道考生旬旬旬旬旬旬旬 中 ; 最后 , 运用 LSI ( Latent Semantic Indexing ) 把 keyword 等 semantically related terms ( 语义相似 term ) 嵌套 . 4 . 处理 internal link & external link —— internal link 意味着将 blog post 都 interlink together , 这样 search engine crawler 就能 easier crawl through your website ; external links means linking to other websites or blogs that are relevant to the topic you’re writing about , this will help build trust and authority for your website in the eyes of search engines . 5 . Content structure —— content structure is very important when it comes to SEO blogging , make sure each paragraph has a clear purpose and flow logically from one point to another ; also use headings and subheadings properly so readers can easily scan through the article quickly without getting lost in between paragraphs . 6 . Optimize images —— optimize all images used in the blog post by adding alt tags with relevant keywords as well as compressing them before uploading onto your server so they don’t slow down page loading speed too much which could hurt user experience as well as SEO ranking on Google SERP ( Search Engine Result Page ).


1. SEO 6 大 巧能够帮助你快速写出SEO博客文章并激发文思泉




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