


1. 确定目标受众:在开始构建营销型网站之前,有必要先明确你的目标受众是什么。这将帮助你决定如何去创造出吸引人的内容,并且能够抓住用户的注意力。


2. 决定需要包含的信息:当你已经了解了目标受众时,就应该考虑打造一个有效营销型网站所需要包含的信息。这里应该包括公司介绍、产品/服务介绍、新闻中心、行业新闻、博客文章、图片集合以及其他对用户有用的信息。

3. 针对不同浏览者创造不同内容:在创作内容时应该考虑不同浏览者对此感兴趣的方式来创作出独特而有效的内容。依此来带动浏览资料并激发想法来使得用户留存在上面时间也就随之而来。

4. 明白SEO原理: SEO(Search Engine Optimization)是一套方法, 运用这套方法能够使得你的website在Google, Yahoo! 上都能够很舒适地呈现出来, 还能够大大提升traffic量; 如此一来, 也就省去了大量advertising cost.

5. 正当使用social media: social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 在web 2.0 era中已然流行异常; 针对不同target audience group , 正当使用social media 有助于promote website content and increase traffic to the website .

二、如何才能将一般性website build into an effective marketing website?

1. Create a clear call-to-action : A good call-to-action should be included in every page of your website so that visitors can easily take action when they are ready to do so . This could include signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free ebook .

2. Utilize email marketing : Email is still one of the most powerful tools for reaching out to potential customers and building relationships with them . You can use email campaigns to send out newsletters , special offers , discounts and other promotional materials that will help you reach more people and generate more leads .

3. Use analytics tools : Analytics tools such as Google Analytics allow you to track user behavior on your site so that you can better understand how users interact with your content and what kind of content resonates best with them . This information can then be used to create more targeted campaigns that will drive higher conversions rates from visitors who are already interested in what you have to offer .

4. Leverage search engine optimization (SEO) : SEO is essential for any business looking to get found online by potential customers searching for their products or services on search engines like Google or Bing . By optimizing your web pages using keywords related to your industry , you’ll be able make sure that when someone searches for something related , they’ll find your site first before anyone else‘s !

五、总 结 : 营 销 型 网 站 的 建 设 需 要 多面 方 面 的 要 求 ; 首 先 , 有必要明 确目标受众 ; 克 服 此 外 , 还 有必要利 用email marketing & social media promotion ; last but not least , SEO plays an important role too !





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