
对文字内容进行优化、图片alt标记、title标题优化以及meta keywords/description 等部分进行优化;2. 建设多页面并添加不同内容:等方式来建立外部链接;一、网站收录量的重要性


1. 网站收录量是衡量网站受关注度和流量的标准;

2. 搜索引擎会将有较高收录数的网站列为前几名,以此来保证用户能够快速找到相关内容;

3. 对于SEO而言,如何增加网站的收录数也是一个很大的问题。


1. 首先要进行正常化SEO优化工作:对文字内容进行优化、图片alt标记、title标题优化以及meta keywords/description 等部分进行优化;

2. 建设多页面并添加不同内容: 多页面可以使得用户在浏览时拿到不同信息, 这也有助于SEO;

3. 加强外部链接: 通过在博客上留下评论, 在相关文章中开始对话, 成为Q&A平台上回答者, 进行新闻及PR文章发布, 等方式来建立外部链接;

4. 搜集RSS Feeds: RSS Feeds是一套便于人们快速浏览资料的工具。RSS Feeds能够将你想要看到的信息集中在一个地方显示出来。RSS Feeds也能帮助你扩大你想要看到信息之外的内容。

5. 适时更新内容: 有意义而有用性的原生性内容(original content)是Google最崇尚并想要看到最好依然是原生性内容(original content). Google想要看到独特而有意义考密度(density)之作者去呈上去!

6 .遵循W3C标准 : W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) 是Web标准协会 , 追随W3C web standards & guidelines , 能使web site design & development process more efficient and effective ;

7 .使用Google Analytics : Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website . It provides valuable information on how people find your website and what they do once they are there . This can help you make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts in order to increase traffic and improve search engine rankings .


1. SEO optimization : SEO optimization is one of the most important ways to increase website traffic as it helps ensure that your website appears higher up in search engine results pages for relevant queries ; 2 . Content marketing : Content marketing involves creating high-quality content such as blog posts , videos , infographics or other types of media which are then shared across social media platforms or other websites with the aim of driving more traffic back to your own site ; 3 . Social media promotion : Social media promotion involves using various social networks such as Facebook , Twitter and Instagram to promote your business or brand online by sharing links back to your own website or blog posts ; 4 . Paid advertising : Paid advertising is another way of increasing website traffic through paid campaigns on popular search engines like Google AdWords or Bing Ads ; 5 . Email marketing : Email marketing involves sending out regular emails containing useful information related to products or services being offered by a company in order to encourage customers who have already subscribed for updates from them ; 6 . Link building : Link building refers to the practice of obtaining links from external websites pointing back towards yours in order for search engines like Google and Bing recognize it as an authoritative source within its niche market thus helping boost its ranking position within SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages )




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