

1. 确定网站的目标:青柠资源网qnziyw.cn及青柠设计网是专门从事网站建设、网络营销、web应用开发的服务平台。

2. 分析市场:分析当前市场上同行业的情况,找出其中优势和不足之处;对于新兴行业领域进行详尽考察;选定特定领域作为重心。

3. 选定合适的服务方式:根据市场分析得出来的信息来决定采用何种服务方式。例如采用B2C或者B2B方式进行服务。

4. 进行整体性能测试: 检测整体性能是否正常,包含代理IP,DNS,HTTP/HTTPS协议,SSL证书,CDN部分; 以及SEO优化部分(Meta Tag) ,Google Analytics 等; 以保障整体性能正常工作。

5. 利用Webmaster Tools进行SEO优化: 利用Google Webmaster Tools 进行 SEO 优化 ,使得 Google 收录时比其他竞争对手要快 ; 并将 Sitemap 添加到 Webmaster Tool 中 ,使得 Googlebot 能够快速扫描并收录新内容 ; 最后将 Robots .txt 添加到 Webmaster Tool 中 ,避免 Googlebot 爬去不必要的 URL 链接 .

二、 类目预留 :

1. 青橙团队 : 青橙团队是一个集 web design / development / marketing / SEO / SEM / PPC 等多领域人员而成的团队 ; 在 web design & development 部门 ,我们将采用 HTML 5 + CSS 3 + JavaScript (jQuery )+ PHP + MySQL (or MongoDB )+ AJAX + JSON 等前端&后端开发语法来进行 web site building & coding .

2. CMS System : WordPress or Joomla ! or Drupal etc ... We will choose the most suitable one for our clients according to their needs and requirements . And we also provide customizing service for these systems if needed .

3. E-commerce System : Magento or OpenCart or PrestaShop etc ... We will choose the most suitable one for our clients according to their needs and requirements . And we also provide customizing service for these systems if needed .

三、Web Design & Development : 1) Responsive Design - Mobile Friendly Website Building 2) Cross Browser Compatibility Testing 3) W3C Validation 4) Search Engine Optimization 5) Social Media Integration 6) Content Management System 7) Payment Gateway Integration 8 ) Shopping Cart 9 ) Customized Application Development 10 ) Database Design 11 ) Server Setup 12 ) Security 13 ) Maintenance 14 ). Performance Tuning 15). User Experience 16). Usability 17). Accessibility 18). Quality Assurance 19). Documentation 20 ). Training 21 ). Support 22 ). Troubleshooting 23 ). Bug Fixing 24 ). Version Control 25 ). Deployment 26 .) Backups 27.) Disaster Recovery 28.) Monitoring 29.). Reporting 30.). Analytics 31.). Conversion Rate Optimization 32.) A/B Testing 33.) Heatmap Analysis 34.) Multivariate Testing 35 .) Split testing 36 .) Landing Page Optimization 37 .) Adwords 38 .) Bing Ads 39 .) Facebook Ads 40 .) Twitter Ads 41.) Linkedin Ads 42.) YouTube Advertising 43.). Email Marketing 44.). Affiliate Marketing 45.). Online Reputation Management 46). Viral Marketing 47). Crowdfunding 48). Press Release 49). Blogging 50)). Video Production 51)). Copywriting 52)). Graphic Design 53)). Logo Design 54)) Infographics 55)) Animation 56)) Motion Graphics 57 )) Voice Over 58 )) Audio Editing 59 )) Photo Retouching 60 )) Image Manipulation 61 )) Vector Art 62)) Illustration 63)) Print Collateral 64)) Packaging 65)). Brochures 66)). Flyers 67)). Posters 68)). Business Cards 69))) Catalogs 70 ))) Banners 71 ))) Signs 72 ))) Vehicle Wraps 73))) Trade Show Displays 74))) Kiosks 75))) Pop Up Stores 76))) Point of Sale 77)))) Digital Signage 78)))) Interactive Touch Screens 79)))) Augmented Reality 80)))) Virtual Reality 81)))) Apparel 82)))) Merchandise 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100




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