
keywords是seo中重要部分,它代表了电子市场中电子商务者想要优化(optimize) 的语句;4. 多问问Google:




1. SEO的全称为Search Engine Optimization,即搜索引擎优化。它是一门建立在Web服务器上的技术,旨在使你的网站能够出现在搜索引擎中并得到正常显示。

2. SEO可以将你的目标用户带到你想要他们去的地方——你的个人/公司/产品/服务所对应的页面。这样就可以大大促进电子商务、影响流量、吸引新客户、促进回头客……

3. 其实SEO不难理解,就是通过各种方法来使得你的web site能够出现在search engine 的top 10 或者 top 20 里面而已。


1. 阅读相关文章: 进行seo之前, 有必要先花时间去看看一些seo教学性文章, 这样才能对seo有个大致印象, 并把重要部分牢牢记忆;

2. 搜集keywords: keywords是seo中重要部分, 它代表了电子市场中电子商务者想要优化(optimize) 的语句;

3. 多阅读blog: blog上有很多好文章, 可以帮助我们理解 seo 的原理;

4. 多问问Google: Google 是 seo 电子市场中不可或缺的部分, 通过 google search console , webmaster tools , analytics tool , adwords keyword planner 等工具来收集数据并改进 seo ; 5 . 多问问同行 : 有时遇到困难时 , 喒么可以去google上找一些 seoer (search engine optimizer ) 来请教 ; 6 . 追随trends : trends (trending topics) 是当前流行话题 , 通过 trends ( trending topics )来决定高度优化 key words ; 7 . 多阅读case study : case study (case studies) 是对 real life situation or problem that has been solved by a company or individual through the use of certain techniques and methods to achieve desired results and objectives in order to gain insight into how best to approach similar situations in the future . 8 . Follow industry leaders : follow industry leaders is also important for learning about new developments in the field of SEO as well as staying up-to-date on current trends and strategies being used by successful companies within your niche market . 9 . Keep track of changes : keep track of changes made to your website such as content updates or design modifications so you can monitor their impact on your rankings over time and make adjustments accordingly if needed




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