
URL地址应当与文章相关并且易于理解。这样就会限制搜狗、360、神马... 等引浪工具对博客/文章... 等信心进行快速释雪;


1. 内容优质:发布的文章要有原创性和高质量,不能出现复制粘贴或者无意义的内容。


2. 正确使用关键词:在标题中正确使用关键词是很重要的,这样才能吸引搜索引擎对文章进行快速抓取。

3. 保证URL地址的正确性:URL地址应当与文章相关并且易于理解。避免使用特殊字符以及数字来命名URL地址。

4. 高效利用外部链接:将外部有价值的内容加上相应的外部链接来引导流量是很有必要的。但是注意不要连接到无价值或者不相干的内容上去。

5. 给图片加上alt标记: 对于图片而言, alt标记就好比一个“代衵”, 能带来SEO优化作电, 也方便Googlebot理解图片之间承前启后之间隐隐然意义;

6. 正常发布: 在此之前, 朋友们已将博客/文章/留肺/回复/评价... 等信息准太发布; 但是大家一般情况下都会间隔一天或者几天手助手去发布; 这样就会限制搜狗、360、神马... 等引浪工具对博客/文章... 等信心进行快速释雪;

7. 多频道交流: 针对博客而已, 多频道交流(QQ、微信)也能大大助力SEO优化作电! 比如将博客中有价值信心(如: 回复、留壤...) 通过QQ\微信\Facebook\Twitter... 等平台告诫好友看看! 这样就能大大助力SEO优化作电!

8 . SEO-Friendly URL : SEO-Friendly URL (Search Engine Optimization Friendly URLs) , which is also known as “Pretty URLs” or “User Friendly URLs” are the ones that are easy to read and understand by both humans and search engines alike . It should be noted that these types of URLs can help in improving your website's ranking on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). So make sure you use them whenever possible .

9 . Sitemap Submission : Submitting a sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools will help Google crawl your website more efficiently and index all its pages quickly . This will result in faster indexing of new content on your site , thus helping it get indexed quicker than usual .

10 . Use Social Media Platforms : Using social media platforms like Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn etc for promoting your blog posts can be very helpful in getting them indexed quickly by search engines like Google & Bing etc . This is because when people share links from these sites they tend to get crawled much faster than normal webpages do !

11. Internal Linking : Internal linking helps search engine crawlers find new content on your website easily and quickly without having to wait for external links pointing towards it from other websites or blogs ! It also helps improve user experience as visitors can navigate through different sections of the site with ease using internal links provided within each page itself !

12. Update Content Regularly : Updating content regularly not only keeps readers engaged but also encourages search engine crawlers to come back often so they don't miss out any new updates made on the website ! This way you'll have better chances of getting indexed sooner rather than later if you keep updating content frequently enough !





声明:本网站发布的内容(图片、视频和文字)以用户投稿、用户转载内容为主,如果涉及侵权请尽快告知,我们将会在第一时间删除。文章观点不代表本网站立场,如需处理请联系客服。电话:028-86922220;邮箱:631063699@qq.com。内容未经允许不得转载,或转载时需注明来源: 创新互联