



"What’s going on?" is a common question used to inquire about the current situation or event.

2、Contextual Use:

In casual conversations, it can be used to ask about any unexpected incident or activity.

It can also be used in emergency situations to seek information about what is happening.


Person A: "What’s going on?" (asking about the current situation)

Person B: "There was a fire in the building next door." (providing information about the incident)

Person A: "What’s going on?" (asking about the reason for a commotion)

Person C: "Someone fell down the stairs and people are rushing to help them." (explaining the cause of the commotion)

4、Alternative Phrases:

"What’s happening?" Similar to "What’s going on?" but with a slightly different tone.

"What’s the matter?" Used to inquire about a problem or issue.

"What’s up?" A casual way to ask about any recent events or updates.

5、Usage Tips:

It is important to note that "What’s going on?" can be perceived as a direct question, so it may be appropriate to add a polite tone or context before asking.

Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to provide additional details or clarification to get a clear understanding of what is happening.




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