StochRSI最初是在1994年由Stanley Kroll和Tushar Chande撰写的题为《The NewTechnical Trader》的书中描述。它经常被股票交易者使用。
Stoch RSI = (Current RSI - Lowest RSI)/(Highest RSI - Lowest RSI)
我们将通过 Python 中的回测来介绍 RSI 和 StochRSI 这两种方法。
最常见的 StochRSI 策略基于均值回归。与 RSI 一样,StochRSI 通常使用 80 来表示做空的超买水平,使用 20 来表示要买入的超卖水平。此外,14 天的回顾和平滑期很常见。出于我们的目的,我们将坚持使用这些标准值。
现在编写代码,让我们在 Python 中导入一些标准包。
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import yfinance as yf
接下来,我们将构建一个函数来计算我们的指标。我们将其称为 calcStochRSI(),它将依靠一些函数来计算 RSI 和随机振荡器,以获得我们选择的指标。
- def calcRSI(data, P=14):
- # Calculate gains and losses
- data['diff_close'] = data['Close'] - data['Close'].shift(1)
- data['gain'] = np.where(data['diff_close']>0,
- data['diff_close'], 0)
- data['loss'] = np.where(data['diff_close']<0,
- np.abs(data['diff_close']), 0)
- # Get initial values
- data[['init_avg_gain', 'init_avg_loss']] = data[
- ['gain', 'loss']].rolling(P)
- # Calculate smoothed avg gains and losses for all t > P
- avg_gain = np.zeros(len(data))
- avg_loss = np.zeros(len(data))
- for i, _row in enumerate(data.iterrows()):
- row = _row[1]
- if i < P - 1:
- last_row = row.copy()
- continue
- elif i == P-1:
- avg_gain[i] += row['init_avg_gain']
- avg_loss[i] += row['init_avg_loss']
- else:
- avg_gain[i] += ((P - 1) * avg_gain[i] +
- row['gain']) / P
- avg_loss[i] += ((P - 1) * avg_loss[i] +
- row['loss']) / P
- last_row = row.copy()
- data['avg_gain'] = avg_gain
- data['avg_loss'] = avg_loss
- # Calculate RS and RSI
- data['RS'] = data['avg_gain'] / data['avg_loss']
- data['RSI'] = 100 - 100 / (1 + data['RS'])
- return data
- def calcStochOscillator(data):
- data['low_N'] = data['RSI'].rolling(N).min()
- data['high_N'] = data['RSI'].rolling(N).max()
- data['StochRSI'] = 100 * (data['RSI'] - data['low_N']) / \
- (data['high_N'] - data['low_N'])
- return data
- def calcStochRSI(data, P=14, N=14):
- data = calcRSI(data)
- data = calcStochOscillator(data)
- return data
- def calcReturns(df):
- # Helper function to avoid repeating too much code
- df['returns'] = df['Close'] / df['Close'].shift(1)
- df['log_returns'] = np.log(df['returns'])
- df['strat_returns'] = df['position'].shift(1) * df['returns']
- df['strat_log_returns'] = df['position'].shift(1) * df['log_returns']
- df['cum_returns'] = np.exp(df['log_returns'].cumsum()) - 1
- df['strat_cum_returns'] = np.exp(df['strat_log_returns'].cumsum()) - 1
- df['peak'] = df['cum_returns'].cummax()
- df['strat_peak'] = df['strat_cum_returns'].cummax()
- return df
有了这些功能,我们只需要为我们的策略构建逻辑就可以了。还要注意,我们有一个名为 calcReturns 的辅助函数,我们可以快速将其应用于回测的结果以从中获取所有返回值。
这意味着回归模型将在 StochRSI 高于 80 时做空或卖出,并在低于 20 时买入。
- def StochRSIReversionStrategy(data, P=14, N=14, short_level=80,
- buy_level=20, shorts=True):
- '''Buys when the StochRSI is oversold and sells when it's overbought'''
- df = calcStochRSI(data, P, N)
- df['position'] = np
- df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']
- if shorts:
- df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']>short_level, -1, df['position'])
- else:
- df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']>short_level, 0, df['position'])
- df['position'] = df['position'].ffill()
- return calcReturns(df)
- table = pd.read_html('')
- df = table[0]
- syms = df['Symbol']
- # Sample symbols
- # ticker = np.random.choice(syms.values)
- ticker = "BSX"
- print(f"Ticker Symbol: {ticker}")
- start = '2000-01-01'
- end = '2020-12-31'
- # Get Data
- yfyfObj = yf.Ticker(ticker)
- data = yfObj.history(startstart=start, endend=end)
- data.drop(['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Volume', 'Dividends',
- 'Stock Splits'], inplace=True, axis=1)
- # Run test
- df_rev = StochRSIReversionStrategy(data.copy())
- # Plot results
- colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(12, 8))
- ax[0].plot(df_rev['strat_cum_returns']*100, label='Mean Reversion')
- ax[0].plot(df_rev['cum_returns']*100, label='Buy and Hold')
- ax[0].set_ylabel('Returns (%)')
- ax[0].set_title('Cumulative Returns for Mean Reversion and' +
- f' Buy and Hold Strategies for {ticker}')
- ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0.6])
- ax[1].plot(df_rev['StochRSI'], label='StochRSI', linewidth=0.5)
- ax[1].plot(df_rev['RSI'], label='RSI', linewidth=1)
- ax[1].axhline(80, label='Over Bought', color=colors[1], linestyle=':')
- ax[1].axhline(20, label='Over Sold', color=colors[2], linestyle=':')
- ax[1].axhline(50, label='Centerline', color='k', linestyle=':')
- ax[1].set_ylabel('Stochastic RSI')
- ax[1].set_xlabel('Date')
- ax[1].set_title(f'Stochastic RSI for {ticker}')
- ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0.75])
- plt.tight_layout()
在我们研究的 21 年期间,均值回归策略击败了Boston Scientific(BSX)的买入和持有策略,回报率为 28 倍,而后者为 2 倍。
在第二个图中显示了 StochRSI 和一些关键指标。我还添加了 RSI 以与更不稳定的 StochRSI 进行比较。这导致交易频繁,如果您的账户较小且交易成本相对较高,这可能会严重影响您的实际回报。我们只是在一个工具上运行它,所以最终进行了 443 笔交易,或者每 12 天交易一次,这看起来并不多。但是,如果我们要使用该指标管理适当的工具组合并频繁进行交易,我们每天可能会进出多笔交易,交易成本会变得很高。
- # Get trades
- diff = df_rev['position'].diff().dropna()
- trade_idx = diff.index[np.where(diff!=0)]
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
- ax.plot(df_rev['Close'], linewidth=1, label=f'{ticker}')
- ax.scatter(trade_idx, df_rev[trade_idx]['Close'], c=colors[1],
- marker='^', label='Trade')
- ax.set_ylabel('Price')
- ax.set_title(f'{ticker} Price Chart and Trades for' +
- 'StochRSI Mean Reversion Strategy')
- ax.legend()
要查看整体策略的一些关键指标,让我们看看使用以下 getStratStats 函数。
- def getStratStats(log_returns: pd.Series, risk_free_rate: float = 0.02):
- stats = {}
- # Total Returns
- stats['tot_returns'] = np.exp(log_returns.sum()) - 1
- # Mean Annual Returns
- stats['annual_returns'] = np.exp(log_returns.mean() * 252) - 1
- # Annual Volatility
- stats['annual_volatility'] = log_returns * np.sqrt(252)
- # Sortino Ratio
- annualized_downside = log_returns.loc[log_returns<0].std() * np.sqrt(252)
- stats['sortino_ratio'] = (stats['annual_returns'] - risk_free_rate) \
- / annualized_downside
- # Sharpe Ratio
- stats['sharpe_ratio'] = (stats['annual_returns'] - risk_free_rate) \
- / stats['annual_volatility']
- # Max Drawdown
- cum_returns = log_returns.cumsum() - 1
- peak = cum_returns.cummax()
- drawdown = peak - cum_returns
- stats['max_drawdown'] = drawdown.max()
- # Max Drawdown Duration
- strat_dd = drawdown[drawdown==0]
- strat_ddstrat_dd_diff = strat_dd.index[1:] - strat_dd.index[:-1]
- strat_dd_days = x: x.days)
- strat_dd_days = np.hstack([strat_dd_days,
- (drawdown.index[-1] - strat_dd.index[-1]).days])
- stats['max_drawdown_duration'] = strat_dd_days.max()
- return stats
- rev_stats = getStratStats(df_rev['strat_log_returns'])
- bh_stats = getStratStats(df_rev['log_returns'])
- pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(rev_stats, index=['Mean Reversion']),
- pd.DataFrame(bh_stats, index=['Buy and Hold'])])
在这里,我们看到该策略的回报率为 28 倍,而基础资产的年度波动率大致相同。此外,根据 Sortino 和 Sharpe Ratios 衡量,我们有更好的风险调整回报。
在 2020 年的新冠疫情中,我们确实看到了均值回归策略的潜在问题之一。该策略的总回报大幅下降,因为该策略的定位是向上回归,但市场继续低迷,该模型只是保持不变 . 它恢复了其中的一部分,但在这次测试中从未达到过疫情之前的高点。正确使用止损有助于限制这些巨大的损失,并有可能增加整体回报。
我们之前提到的另一个基本策略是使用 StochRSI 作为动量指标。当指标穿过中心线时,我们会根据其方向买入或做空股票。
- def StochRSIMomentumStrategy(data, P=14, N=14,
- centerline=50, shorts=True):
- '''
- Buys when the StochRSI moves above the centerline,
- sells when it moves below
- '''
- df = calcStochRSI(data, P)
- df['position'] = np.nan
- df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']>50, 1, df['position'])
- if shorts:
- df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']<50, -1, df['position'])
- else:
- df['position'] = np.where(df['StochRSI']<50, 0, df['position'])
- df['position'] = df['position'].ffill()
- return calcReturns(df)
- # Run test
- df_mom = StochRSIMomentumStrategy(data.copy())
- # Plot results
- colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(12, 8))
- ax[0].plot(df_mom['strat_cum_returns']*100, label='Momentum')
- ax[0].plot(df_mom['cum_returns']*100, label='Buy and Hold')
- ax[0].set_ylabel('Returns (%)')
- ax[0].set_title('Cumulative Returns for Momentum and' +
- f' Buy and Hold Strategies for {ticker}')
- ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0.6])
- ax[1].plot(df_mom['StochRSI'], label='StochRSI', linewidth=0.5)
- ax[1].plot(df_mom['RSI'], label='RSI', linewidth=1)
- ax[1].axhline(50, label='Centerline', color='k', linestyle=':')
- ax[1].set_ylabel('Stochastic RSI')
- ax[1].set_xlabel('Date')
- ax[1].set_title(f'Stochastic RSI for {ticker}')
- ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0.75])
- plt.tight_layout()
- mom_stats = getStratStats(df_mom['strat_log_returns'])
- bh_stats = getStratStats(df_mom['log_returns'])
- pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(mom_stats, index=['Momentum']),
- pd.DataFrame(rev_stats, index=['Mean Reversion']),
- pd.DataFrame(bh_stats, index=['Buy and Hold'])])
这并不意味着StochRSI 不适合此类应用。一次糟糕的回测并不意味着该策略毫无价值。相反,一个很好的回测并不意味着你有一些你应该立即开始交易的东西。我们需要与其他指标结合使用以改善结果。
本文题目:用 Python 实现随机相对强弱指数 StochRSI
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