
Kali Linux: The King of Deep Penetration Testing


Kali Linux, formerly known as BackTrack, is a Debian-based operating system designed for digital forensics, penetration testing, and security auditing. It is the most popular and powerful penetration testing tool used by professionals around the world to test and assess the security of computer systems, networks and applications. Kali Linux provides a wide range of inbuilt tools and scripts that enable the user to perform complex security testing easily and efficiently.

In this article, we will discuss the different aspects of Kali Linux, and how it has become the king of deep penetration testing.

1. History

Kali Linux was created by Mati Aharoni and Devin Cook in March 2023, as a successor to BackTrack Linux. It was designed with the core objective of providing a comprehensive testing environment for professionals in the cybersecurity industry.

2. Features

Kali Linux has a vast range of features that are specialized for pen-testing. It comes with more than 600 pre-installed tools that enable deep penetration testing. These tools help to identify and patch vulnerabilities in the security systems of various computer systems, networks, and applications. Some of the essential features of Kali Linux are:

a) Illustrious Tools – Kali Linux comes with an array of powerful testing tools that specialize in different areas of pen-testing. These tools enable the user to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in a system quickly.

b) Customizable – Kali Linux allows the user to customize it according to their needs. Users can remove or add any tools that serve their purpose.

c) Multiple Testing Methods – Kali Linux also supports multiple testing methods. These methods may include wireless testing, web application testing, and database testing, among others.

d) Versatile – Kali Linux is versatile, meaning that it can be installed on various platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, mobile devices, and Raspberry Pi.

3. Importance

Kali Linux is an essential tool for cybersecurity professionals as it enables them to identify vulnerabilities in the security systems of various computer systems, networks, and applications. It is also used by governments, security officers, and security organizations in the world. Kali Linux has become increasingly popular because of the following reasons:

a) Free and Open Source – Kali Linux is a free and open-source tool, which means that users do not have to pay anything to access it. It can be downloaded from the Kali Linux website and used for any purpose.

b) Comprehensive Toolkit – Kali Linux provides users with a comprehensive toolkit that includes various testing tools for all aspects of security testing.

c) Customization – Users can customize Kali Linux to their liking, removing or adding software packages and tools as they see fit.

d) Access to Latest Tools – Kali Linux is regularly updated to ensure that the user has access to the latest tools and technologies in the cybersecurity industry.

e) Community Support – Kali Linux has a vast and active community of users and developers who offer support and help to newcomers and developers with any issue they face.

4. Some of the tools Used in Kali Linux

Kali Linux has a vast range of tools that enable deep penetration testing. Here are some of the essential tools of Kali Linux:

a) Nmap – Nmap is a network exploration and security auditing tool. It helps to discover hosts and services on a network, including the operating system, open ports, and methods used to conceal the system or service.

b) Metasploit Framework – Metasploit is a powerful tool for exploiting vulnerabilities in systems. It can be used to test the security of a system by simulating an attack and identifying weaknesses.

c) Wireshark – Wireshark is a network protocol yzer that allows the user to see what is happening on a network at a granular level. It can capture network packets and display them in real-time.

5. Conclusion

Kali Linux has become the king of deep penetration testing because of its broad range of features, comprehensive toolkit, and customization. It is an essential tool for cybersecurity professionals, governments, and security organizations, among others. With Kali Linux, users can identify and patch vulnerabilities in different computer systems, networks, and applications, making it an indispensable piece of software for security testing. It is also free and open-source, regularly updated, and has a wide community of users and developers who offer support to newcomers and experts alike. In summary, Kali Linux is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to take their security testing to the next level.


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以Linux为基础的渗透测试用操作系统非常多,为什么只有kali Linux…

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作者: Lee Allen / Tedi Heriyanto / Shakeel Ali 

出版社: 人民邮电出版社

原作名: Kali Linux: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing


页数: 378


Kali Linux是一个渗透测试兼安全审计平台,集成了多款漏洞检测、目标识别和漏洞利用工具,在信息安全业界有着广泛的用途。

本书从业务角度出发,通过真实攻击案例并辅之以各种实用的黑客工具,探讨了进行渗透测试所需的各种准备工序和操作流程。本书共分为12章,其内容涵盖了Kali Linux的使用、渗透测试方法论、收集评估项目需求的标准流程、信息收集阶段的工作流程、在目标环境中探测终端设备的方法、服务枚举及用途、漏洞映射、社会工程学、漏洞利用、提升权限、操作系统后门和Web后文的相关技术、渗透测试文档报告的撰写等。



Lee Allen是在顶尖大学里任职的安全架构师。多年以来,他持续关注信息安全行业和安全界内的新近发展。他有15年以上的IT行业经验,并且持有OSWP等多项业内的资格认证。Lee Allen还是Advanced Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments: The Ultimate Security Guide(由Packt Publishing出版,人民邮电出版社出晌搭版了其中文版)一书的作者。

Tedi Heriyanto是印尼一家信息安全公司的首席顾问。他一直在与(印尼)国内外的多家知名机构进行信息安全渗透测试方面的合作。他擅长设计安全网络架构、部署与管理企业级的信息安全系统、规范信息安全制度和流程、执行信息安全审计和评估,以及提供信息安全意识培训。在闲暇之余,他在印尼安全界的各种活动中不停地研究和学习。他还通过写作各种安全图书与大家分享界内知识。有兴趣的读者可以访问他的博客

Shakeel Ali在世界500强公司里担任安全和风险管理顾问。在此之前,他是英国Cipher Storm Ltd.的核心创始人。他从事过安全评估、系统审计、合规部门顾问、IT管理和法证调查工作,积累了信息安全领域的各种知识。他还是CSS Providers SAL的首席安全员。他以废寝忘食的工作态度,为全球各类商业公司、教育机构和部门提供了不间断的安全支持服务。作为一名活跃的业内独立研究人员,他发表了大量的文章和白皮书。有兴趣的读者可以访问和册他的个人博客Ethical-Hacker.net。此外,他还长期参与墨西哥举办的BugCon Security Conferences活动,定期报告最前沿的网络安全威胁,并分享相应的应对方案。

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