
Vim是一款功能强大的编辑器,有很多插件可以增强它的功能。以下是一些常用的插件:,,1. **vim-plug**:极简 Vim 插件管理器。,2. **Coc.nvim** 系列:为了更好的补全体验。,3. **LeaderF**:让人相见恨晚的vim插件:模糊查找神器。



1. 使用Vim-Plug

Vim-Plug是一个 Vim 的插件管理器,可以帮助我们轻松地安装和管理各种插件,首先需要安装Vim-Plug:

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-plug

然后在你的 ~/.vimrc 文件中添加以下内容:

call plugbegin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'tell-k/vim-tmux-navigator'
Plug 'tell-k/vim-tmux-navigator-fzf'
call plugend()


cd ~/.vim/plugged/tell-k/vim-tmux-navigator
git pull


2. 使用YouCompleteMe


git clone ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe

然后在你的 ~/.vimrc 文件中添加以下内容:

" Enable YouCompleteMe for this session only
let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '~/' 
" Set the path to your custom configuration file (optional)
let g:ycm_autocompletions = 1 
" Set the name of the language you want to enable autocompletion for (optional)
let g:ycm_cpp_language_id = 1 
" Set the name of the compiler you are using (optional)
let g:ycm_clang_build = '' 
" Add any extra flags needed for Clang (optional)
let g:ycm_clang_cflags = '-I/usr/include/python3.8m' 
" Add any extra flags needed for Clang (optional)
let g:ycm_clang_cppflags = '-I/usr/include/python3.8m' 
" Add any extra flags needed for Clang (optional)
let g:ycm_clang_ldflags = '-L/usr/lib64' 
" Add any extra flags needed for Clang (optional)
let g:ycm_clang_lflags = '-Wno-unused-command-line-argument' 
" Add any extra flags needed for Clang (optional)
let g:ycm_clang_system_includes = '-isystem' 
" Add any extra include paths needed for Clang (optional)
let g:ycm_clang_warnings = '-Wall -Wextra -pedantic' 
" Add any extra warnings needed for Clang (optional)
let g:ycm_default_extensions = ['cpp', 'h', 'hpp'] 
" Add any extra extensions needed for autocompletion (optional)


python3 -m ycm --generate-completion-database > ~/.ycm_db 
python3 -m ycm --install --all 
pip install flake8 flake8-import-order 


3. 使用NERDTree


sudo apt-get install nerdtree  对于Debian/Ubuntu系统
brew install tree  对于macOS系统(需要先安装Homebrew)

安装完成后,在你的 ~/.vimrc 文件中添加以下内容:

if has('win32') || has('win64') || has('osx') || has('unix') || has('bsd') || has('openbsd') || has('netbsd') || has('plan9') || has('solaris') || has('aix') || has('gnu') || has('freebsd') || has('openvmomi') || has('cloudfoundry') || has('darwin') || has('linux') || has('bsd') || has('dragonflybsd') || has('netbsd') || has('openbsd') || has('solaris') || has('irix') || has('sunos') || has('hpux') || has('aix') || has('sgi') || has('irix64') || has('hpux64') || has('solaris64'); else echo "Unknown system"; endif | let $VIM += {'tern': {'plugin': 'nerdtree'}} | endif | " Enable NerdTree for this session only" let g:tern_autocomplete = 1 | " Set the path to your project root (optional)" let g:tern_project_root = '/path/to/your/project' | " Set the path to yourtern executable (optional)" let g:tern_executable = '/path/to/yourtern' | " Set the path to yourtern server executable (optional)" let g:tern_server_executable = '/path/to/yourternserver' | " Set the path to yourtern cache directory (optional)" let g:tern_cache_directory = '/path/to/yourterncache' | " Set the path to yourtern server socket file (optional)" let g:tern_socketfile = '/path/to/yourternserversocketfile' | " Set the path to yourtern server log file (optional)" let g:tern_logfile = '/path/to/yourternserverlogfile' | " Set the path to yourtern server database file (optional)" let g:tern_database = '/path/to/yourternserverdatabase' | " Set the path to yourtern server debug log file (optional)" let g:tern_debuglog = '/path/to/yourternserverdebuglogfile' | " Set the path to yourtern server debug port (optional)" let g:tern_debugport = 5008 | " Set the path to yourtern server debug host (optional)" let g:tern_debughost = 'localhost' | " Set the path to yourtern server debug auth token file (optional)" let g:tern_authtoken = '/path/to/yourternserverauthtokenfile' | " Enable NerdTree syntax highlighting in Vim (optional)" let g:syntax='perl python sql bash php html css javascript json xml csharp swift go rust shell powershell docker fsharp kotlin dart php7 php8 typescript ruby sass less lesscss pug stylus coffee lumen blade3 njk elixir rebar3 slim jekyll mvc4 mvc5 razor sprockets compass handlebars haml textile jade erb rackup Sinatra slimerjs backbone requirejs angular react redux reactnative nativescript litelement cordova qunit jest mocha jsdom puppeteer protractor nightwatch httpie restclient httparty httpbin curl netsh wget tar unzip bzip27 zip xz tar unrar7 gunzip zcat bunzip27 lzip lzma7 compress77777777777777777777777777777777777777777gzip bzip2 bzip2gzip bzip2lzma lzma lzo lzop xz lzma2 xzcpio xzstd estreams tarsnap arj unrar arj2lr arj2lzma cabextract unarj paq unpaq paqe unpaqe cabextract cabextract2 cabextract3 cabextract4 cabextract5 cabextract6 cabextract7 cabextract8 cabextract9 cabextract10 cabextract11 cabextract12 cabextract13 cabextract14 cabextract15 cabextract16 cabextract17 cabextract18 cabextract19 cabextract20 cabextract21 cabextract22 cabextract




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