1. 关键词优化:关键词是网站SEO的基础,要想获得搜索引擎有效的流量,就必须在文章中合理使用关键词。正确选取关键词并将它们运用到文章中去,能够带来大量相应的流量。
2. 标题标注优化:根据不同内容对标题进行优化也是一个很好的方法。如H1-H6标记、alt和title属性都可以带来不少有效流量。
3. 链接优化:多链接也是一个很好的SEO手法。内部连接能够带动用户体验并提升蜘蛛对于你网站上信息的理解度。而外部连接则可以带来大量有效资料流量和回归流量。
4. 站内代码优化:代码也是影响SEO效果的因子之一, 例如: 运用div+css代码, 将js/css/image文件独立出来, 使html代码保存地尤为易于理解; 压 缩html/js/css代 码 , 能 够 有 效 助力 SEO 优 化 ; 适当使用noindex / nofollow meta tag , 能 够 有 效节省Googlebot 的时间; robots txt 正 确 配 置 , 能 够 有 效节省Googlebot 的时间; sitemap xml正 确生成 ;canonical url正 确使用 ;301永久性URL redirects正 确使用 ;404 not found page正 确实装 ……
5. SNS分享优化: SNS(Social Network Service)分享是相对新出来的一个seo手法, Facebook、Twitter、Linkedin……都可令你通过social media marketing (SMM)将你website上content share out to the world!二、SE0五项原则
1. Content is King: “Content is King”意味者内容才是王道, content quality and quantity are both important for SEO optimization purpose . Quality content can attract more visitors and search engine spiders while quantity of contents will help you build up your website authority in long run .
2. User Experience Matters : Good user experience should be taken into consideration when optimizing a website for SEO purpose . A good user experience means that users can easily find what they want on your website without any difficulty or confusion . This will also help you get better ranking from search engines as well as increase the chance of getting backlinks from other websites .
3. Mobile Friendly Website : With mobile devices becoming increasingly popular nowadays , it is essential to make sure that your website is optimized for mobile devices so that users can have a pleasant browsing experience on their phones or tablets . Google has already started giving priority to those websites which are optimized for mobile devices over those which are not .
4. Link Building : Link building plays an important role in improving the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). It helps to create high quality backlinks from other relevant websites which will eventually lead to higher rankings and increased traffic flow towards your site .
5. Technical Optimization : Technical optimization includes making sure that all technical aspects such as HTML code structure , loading speed etc are properly taken care off so that there won't be any hindrance while crawling by search engine bots and indexing process goes smoothly without any issue
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