Help on builtin function len in module builtins: len(obj, /) method of builtins.object instance Return the number of items in a container.
import pydoc函数名)
import pydoc'len')
Help on builtin function len in module builtins: len(obj, /) method of builtins.object instance Return the number of items in a container.
pip install numpy
import numpy as np help(np)
Help on package numpy: NAME numpy NumPy: array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. PACKAGE CONTENTS ....(省略部分内容).... FUNCTIONS ....(省略部分内容)....
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scipy.optimize.minimize(fun, x0, args=(), method='NelderMead', ...) > minimize: minimize `fun
with NelderMead algorithm. See Optimize documentation for more details. The arguments are the same as for the
minimize_scalarfunction. Note that only the first two elements of the return value are used; see below for details. The remaining elements are not kept in memory and are discarded when the returned object is garbage collected. The return value is an instance of the MinimizeResult class which contains information about the optimization process such as the final values of the parameters, the iteration count, etc. The attributes of this class are documented in the Optimize documentation. The optional argument
methodcan be set to any string representing a valid method name (see below). If no method is specified, 'NelderMead' will be used by default. The other arguments are passed directly to the underlying solver function. For example, if you want to use the Powell method instead of NelderMead, you can call
minimize(fun, x0, args=(), method='Powell'). Note that some methods require additional arguments; see the corresponding docstrings for details. The following methods are supported: 'NelderMead', 'Powell', 'CG', 'BFGS', 'LBFGSB', 'TNC', 'COBYLA', 'SLSQP', 'dogleg', 'trustconstr', 'trustncg', 'trustexact' and 'differential_evolution'. The default method is 'NelderMead'. For more information about these methods, see the Optimize documentation. The initial guess
x0must be a sequence of length equal to the number of variables in
fun, or a scalar in case of one variable only. If
x0is a sequence, it must contain at least as many elements as there are variables in
fun, but may contain additional elements which will be ignored by the solver. If
x0is a scalar, it will be used as the initial guess for all variables in
fun. The optional argument
argscan be used to pass additional arguments to the function
fun, e.g. if
fun=my_function, then
args=(a, b)would call
my_function(x, a, b)instead of just
my_function(x). The optional argument
optionscan be used to specify options for the underlying solver function; see the corresponding docstrings for details. The optional argument
jac=None, if given, must be a callable that takes a single argument (the current point) and returns the gradient of the function at that point; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to define this callable. The optional argument
warnflag=0, if given, must be an integer; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
xtol, if given, must be a float; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
ftol, if given, must be a float; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
maxiter, if given, must be an integer; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
retall=False, if given and true, will cause the function to return all intermediate results from each iteration (this is useful for debugging). The optional argument
callback=None, if given, must be a callable that takes two arguments (the current point and the result dictionary); see the Optimize documentation for details on how to define this callable. The optional argument
disp, if given and true, will cause intermediate results to be printed to standard output during optimization; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
retval, if given and true, will cause the function to return a list containing all intermediate results from each iteration (this is useful for debugging). The optional argument
epsilon, if given, must be a float; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
maxfev, if given, must be an integer; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
factor, if given, must be a float; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
maxcor, if possible (depending on the underlying solver), must be an integer; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
iprint, if given and positive, will cause progress messages to be printed to standard output during optimization; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
precision, if given and positive, will cause intermediate results to be printed with higher precision than usual; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
accumulate, if given and true, will cause intermediate results from each iteration to be accumulated into a single result object before returning it; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
diverging, if given and true, will cause optimization to stop early when divergence is detected; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
nan_policy, if given and true, will cause optimization to stop early when encountering NaN values; see the Optimize documentation for details on how to interpret its value. The optional argument
check_finite, if given and true, will cause optimization to stop early when encountering infinite values; see the Optimize documentation for details on如何解释其值,The optional argument
nan_policy,如果给出并且为真,则当遇到NaN值时优化将提前停止;参见优化文档以了解有关如何解释其值的详细信息,The optional argument
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