




考察历年来Google对站长要求中显然能看出:尤其是2005年之后,Google已强力要求站长避公不依法行为——因此尤度信誉好的Webmaster Tool 已作为 Google 竭力惩处 骗子 SEO 行径之重要武器.

  因考虑到 Google 搜寻引 擎 本 身 的 巩 固 ( Consolidation ) , 大 部 分 Webmaster Tools (WMT) 等已作为 Google “惩 处 骗子 SEO 衣食者 ” 之金士武, WMTs 本人皓然悬浸地佳琦呢?

  1. Keyword Stuffing: Keyword stuffing is the practice of loading a webpage with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in search engine results pages. Examples of keyword stuffing include repeating words or phrases so often that they appear unnatural, such as "buy buy buy" or listing words separated by commas and semicolons like "dog, cat; bird; fish". This technique is also referred to as spamdexing and can result in penalties from search engines if used excessively on your website.

2 . Link Farming : Link farming involves creating large amounts of links between websites for the purpose of manipulating search engine rankings . It usually involves linking unrelated sites together using automated software programs which create hundreds , sometimes thousands ,of links at once . Search engines have become wise to this tactic over time and now penalize websites that use it heavily .

3 . Cloaking : Cloaking refers to showing different content or URLs to human users than what you show web crawlers/spiders/bots when they visit your website for indexing purposes only - essentially tricking them into thinking something else exists on your page than what actually does exist there when viewed by humans visiting the same URL address directly through their browser window instead via bots crawling it firstly before being indexed accordingly within SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). 4. Doorway Pages: A doorway page is designed specifically for spiders rather than visitors – its sole purpose being getting highly ranked quickly within SERPs without providing any real value whatsoever towards those who are searching online looking for information related thereto upon clicking through onto said doorway pages themselves after having been presented with them initially via organic listings found therein previously mentioned aforesaid SERP(s). 5 Hidden Text & Links: Hiding text & links involve placing text behind images / backgrounds etc., making it invisible unless one knows how exactly whereupon look out carefully enough beforehand prior doing so thus enabling said hidden texts & linkages be seen clearly afterwards thereafter respectively then onwards subsequently forthwith henceforth hereinafter thenceforward evermore ad infinitum…





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