
通过 SEO 对关键词和内容优化:这样就能够有效节省广告开支.二、个人体会及方法1. 内容方法(1) 大量制作原创性内容,多阅读其他行业高水平文章:


1. 什么是SEO?


SEO,即Search Engine Optimization,中文名叫“搜索引擎优化”。它是一项在互联网上对公司或个人网站进行有效的促进和帮助,使之能够被大量用户找到并访问的工作。通过正确地使用SEO来优化你的网站内容和代码,你就能够将你的目标流量从搜索引擎中获得。

2. SEO 的好处

(1) 提高流量: 通过 SEO 对关键词和内容优化, 能够有效地将相应的流量引导到特定页面;

(2) 构建信誉: 通过不断地优化, 努力去准时回应用户要求, 最大限度地准时满足用户要求, 这样就能够形成一个好声誉;

(3) 拓展市场: 通过 SEO 策略来扩大市场份额, 努力去吸引新老客户;

(4) 提升 ROI : 通过 SEO 策略来显著提升 ROI (Return on Investment), 这样就能够有效节省广告开支.


1. 内容方法

(1) 大量制作原创性内容: 内容是王道!如想要得到 Google 等大部分主流引擎的奖励,必然要有独特性、原始性、正版性、真诚高雅性以及学习诚勤性。

(2) 多阅读其他行业高水平文章 : 多阅读其他行业高水平文章 ,学习前人之所学 ,不断吸取前人之所得 ,不断理解前人之所想 ;

(3) 择时择法发布内容 : 虽然每天都要有内容生产 ,但是不必难舍难舍 .适当出一些 “闲” 的时间 ,例如周五傍上午花 10-15minutes 去看看当天 Google News Feeds / Twitter Trends / Reddit Hot Topics / Quora Popular Questions & Answers ……etc .然后依此来生产 Content Ideas ;

2. HTML/CSS/JavaScript代码方法 (1) HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization : HTML code cleanup and optimization is a must for any website that wants to rank well in search engines like Google or Bing . This includes removing unnecessary tags and attributes from the page source code as well as optimizing the structure of the page so it loads faster and more efficiently ; (2) CSS Code Minification & Compression : CSS code minification and compression can help reduce the size of your web pages by up to 70% which will result in faster loading times for visitors to your site . It also helps improve your overall ranking with search engines since they prefer sites that load quickly ; (3) JavaScript Code Refactoring & Performance Tuning : JavaScript code refactoring and performance tuning are essential for improving the speed of your website . By refactoring existing JavaScript code you can make sure it runs more efficiently while also reducing its file size which will help improve loading times even further ; 3. URL Rewriting Methodology URL rewriting is an important part of any successful SEO strategy because it allows you to create URLs that are both user friendly and search engine friendly at the same time . The most common way to do this is by using mod_rewrite rules within Apache or IIS servers but there are other methods available as well such as using 301 redirects or canonical tags within HTML documents . 4. Image Alt Tag Usage Image alt tag usage is another important factor when it comes to optimizing websites for better rankings in search engines like Google or Bing . By adding descriptive text into image alt tags you can give additional context about what each image represents which helps crawlers understand what content is being displayed on each page thus helping them index those pages accordingly





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