


二、 初学者在进行SEO 优化时必须思考的问题

1. 竞争对手是如何实施SEO 优化? 首先要明白当前市场上已有多少竞争对手正在实施SEO 优化,然后根据他们使用的方法, 技巧, 工具来分析当前市场上 SEO 策略. 这样能够帮助我们理解当前 SEO 等相关信息.

2. 我应该选用何种 SEO 技术? 在选用 SEO 技术之前, 需要根据当前市场情况来决定采用何种 SEO 技术: 有效追踪测评; 多领域/多平台; 多媒体/多协作; 超文本/图片/声音; 远端数字/3D /VR 等.

3. 如何避免 Google Panda & Penguin 等风险? Google Panda & Penguin 都是 Google 最新版 Algorithm (Google Search Engine) , 因此必须避免使用 Spamming Techniques (例如 Keyword Stuffing), Duplicate Content (Content Copying) , Cloaking(Hiding Texts or Links from Users but Visible to Search Engines).

三、 网站优化应注意的相关信息

1. Title Tag : Title tag is the most important element of a website and it should be optimized properly for better search engine rankings . It should include relevant keywords and must be unique for each page on the website . The title tag should not exceed 70 characters in length .

2. Meta Description : Meta description is another important factor that helps search engines understand what your web page is about . It should contain relevant keywords and must be within 160 characters in length .

3. URL Structure : URLs are also an important part of optimizing a website as they help search engines understand what your web page is about . URLs should use hyphens instead of underscores and must include relevant keywords if possible . They should also be kept short so that users can easily remember them when typing into their browser’s address bar . 4. Image Optimization : Images play an important role in making websites look attractive but they can also slow down loading times if not optimized properly for the web . Therefore it’s essential to optimize images by reducing their file size without compromising on quality before uploading them onto your website or blog post pages etc.. 5 Internal Linking : Internal linking plays an important role in helping visitors navigate through different pages on your website while providing additional information related to the topic at hand which helps improve user experience as well as boosting overall ranking potential with search engines like Google etc..




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