
当它们想要通过独立店来吸引新客户时却遭遇到了问题——shein 竞争对手都能够通过 SEO 优化快速将流量集中到 shein 竞争对手之上去考虑到这一情况,2. 天天都有促销:一、引言



二、Shein 的特性

Shein 是一家中国大陆注册公司,目前在海外市场占有不俗份额。 Shein 在海外市场上使用各式各样的方法来吸引客户,包括 SEO 优化、SEM 广告、Facebook 广告、Instagram 广告以及 YouTube 视频广告。然而,当它们想要通过独立店来吸引新客户时却遭遇到了问题——shein 竞争对手都能够通过 SEO 优化快速将流量集中到 shein 竞争对手之上去考虑到这一情况, shein 需要想办法将其流量留存度提升, 进考考责.

三、SheIn 针对性方法

1. 支撑好 SEO: SheIn 需要不断优化 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 来保证能够快速击中目标人士;

2. 天天都有促销: SheIn 需要不断举行促销, 让用户感受到真正意义上“物有所值”;

3. 搭建好 CRM (Customer Relationship Management): SheIn 需要不断宣传CRM(Customer Relationship Management), 让用户能够感受到真正意义上 “人性化” 服务;4. 充裕库存: SheIn 需要始终追随市场行情, 保证库存水平; 5. 多项目整合营销: SheIn 需要将 SEM (Search Engine Marketing) , Facebook Ads , Instagram Ads , Youtube Video Ads 等整合起来, 达到 “1+1

2” 的效果 ; 6. 多项目 A/B Test : SheIN 针对 SEM / Facebook / Instagram / Youtube Ad Campaigns , A/B Test 比例 1 : 9 . 7. UGC (User Generated Content): UGC (User Generated Content)是一个很好的方式去生成 Social Proofing & Trustworthiness . 8. Retargeting & Remarketing : Retargeting & Remarketing 有助于 sheIN 回归 Lost Customers . 9. Email Marketing : Email Marketing 未必是 sheIN 未使用之前, 但是Email marketing is still a powerful tool to reach out to customers and build relationships with them over time . 10 Mobile App Promotion : Mobile App Promotion can help increase the retention rate of users on mobile devices as well as drive more sales from mobile traffic sources . 11 Live Chat Support : Live Chat Support can help reduce bounce rates by providing real-time customer service support for visitors who have questions or need assistance while browsing the website . 12 Automation Tools Integration : Automation tools such as chatbots and AI-powered personalization engines can be integrated into the website to provide personalized experiences for each visitor based on their past interactions with the brand or product they are interested in purchasing from SHEIN's online store .




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