
如果您有本地开发的网站,或者您计划制作网站,则需要两件事 - 域名网页托管。域名是您网站的地址,用户可以使用它来访问它。例如,vue5.com或google.com这些是域名。

创新互联公司网站建设公司一直秉承“诚信做人,踏实做事”的原则,不欺瞒客户,是我们最起码的底线! 以服务为基础,以质量求生存,以技术求发展,成交一个客户多一个朋友!专注中小微企业官网定制,网站制作、成都网站设计,塑造企业网络形象打造互联网企业效应。

A domain name has two parts, TLD (Top Level Domain) and SLD (Second level domain), for example in, tutorialspoint is second level domain of TLD .com, or you can say it’s a subdomain of .com TLD. There are many top level domains available, like .com, .net, etc. and also country specified TLD like .in, .uk, .ae, etc.

Importance of a domain

Getting a domain name of your choice can be very useful. You can use it for many reasons, for instance, you can create the identity of your brand online or you can create a personal blogging website. If you have a business, people will be able to learn about your business remotely.

Registering a Domain Name

Domain names are registered with a non–profit organization ICANN. It does not let you register your domain directly, but you will have to go with a domain registrar for this purpose. Domain name registrations involve a registration fee for a year, and you have to renew the domain every year by providing a renewal fee. Domain names cannot be purchased permanently at once, but you have to renew it every year, if you fail to renew the domain, it is automatically deleted from registry.

If you want to register your domain name, then you will have to follow these steps.

Step 1 − Choose a perfect domain name for your website. If it’s a business website, then you may want to go with a domain name, which is the name of your business.

步骤2 - 选择一个良好的域名注册商公司有良好的支持基础设施。例如,GoDaddy或BigRock。

步骤3 - 在注册商的网站上,检查您的域名是否可以注册。如果您选择的域已经被某人注册,那么您将不得不考虑其他一些域名。如果您的域名可用于注册,那么您可以继续进行。

步骤4 - 提供您的联系信息和注册商要求的所有内容。在注册域名时,您必须提供正确的信息,如果用户查找WHOIS信息,所有人都可以看到该信息。

步骤5 - 您可以通过订阅隐私保护服务选择任何人查看隐藏您的联系方式。此服务将所有联系信息隐藏到除注册商以外的所有人,此服务由许多域名注册商提供,但需要额外付费。

步骤6 - 通过支付注册费来完成购买。域名将注册给您。




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