
Concurrent Processing Strategy for Dealing with Redis-Based timeouts Callbacks


Recently, we have seen an increasing demand for concurrent processing strategies to handle timeouts callbacks based on Redis, due to the ever-increasing requirement for application performance and scalability.

Redis provides an integrated platform for managing various types of distributed tasks, making it ideal for the on-demand execution of timeouts callbacks. When a timeout callback is triggered, the task is sent to Redis, which can then be processed by multiple workers. This approach ensures that timeout callbacks are handled efficiently and without conflicts.

We will illustrate how to implement this strategy by introducing two important components: timer and workers.

The timer is responsible for continually evaluating when a timeout callback should be triggered. This process is done by setting a timeout for each task in the database and checking for changes in between loop iterations. In addition, the timer should spawn a new thread for every task, so as to properly process time-sensitive requests without interfering with other workers.

The workers pool manages the execution of multiple tasks, such as executing the timeout callback and performing associated tasks. Generally, each worker is assigned a single task and must wt for other tasks to finish in order to proceed. When all tasks are completed, the workers must then inform the timer that the timeout callback has been successfully processed.

Finally, for further optimization, Redis provides transactional execution of code, allowing for concurrent tasks to be performed safely. This approach allows for a much improved performance, as threads do not need to be blocked to ensure that all operations are performed atomically.

To sum up, the concurrent processing strategy for dealing with Redis-based timeouts callbacks is an effective and efficient way to ensure that tasks are carried out in a timely and safe manner. By taking advantage of the integrated platform provided by Redis, developers can be confident that their applications are scalable and reliable.

Sample Code

// Timer Code



// Check for timeout in db

// Trigger timeout callback if necessary

Thread timeoutCallBackThread = new Thread(new TimeoutCallback());



// Worker Code



// Take a task from queue

// Execute task

// Notify timer that task is complete







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