

ORA-31050: access denied


Cause: The requested access privileges have not been granted to the current user. User must be granted privileges prior to resource access.

Action: Check the set of requested access privileges to make sure that they are included in the set of access privilges granted to the user.

ORA-31050 is an Oracle error code, signifying that the requested access is not granted. This error is issued when the user doesn’t have permission to connect to the database server.

Official Explanation: The ORA-31050 error is triggered when a user is denied access to the database or an operation, based on the user’s role or privilege.

Common Cases:

1. Incorrect grants – When the user tries to connect to the database server or perform a certain operation, and the user’s role or privilege is not granted the access, the ORA-31050 error is triggered.

2. Insufficient rights – When the user tries to connect to the database server or perform a certain operation, and the user does not have the necessary privileges, the ORA-31050 error is triggered.

Normal Handling and Steps:

1. Verify the grants – Verify if the user is granted the required rights to connect to the database server or to perform the requested operation.

2. Grant the necessary rights – Once the required privilege or access is identified, the necessary roles or privileges should be granted to the user to remediate the issue.

3. Re-verify access – Execute the connect to the database server or perform the intended operation to verify the access is successfully granted.





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