
一、SEO新站迟迟不收录的原因1. 网站内容质量低:二、SEo文章不能正常地出版或者早已出版却依然沒有正常地運作4个原因分享1. 搜狗/googlebot对seo文章评价方式不同:


1. 网站内容质量低:网站内容是搜索引擎优化的基础,如果内容质量低,那么就很难吸引到用户。此外,有些关键词可能无法准确表达所要表达的意思,以及字数太少而导致信息不充分。


2. 没有适当的外部链接: 外部链接是SEO中必不可少的一个因素, 如果新站上并没有相应的外部链接, 那么在Google看来, 这个新站根本就不存在!

3. 站内代码问题: SEO优化中, 代码问题也十分重要。如title标签、meta标签、h1-h6标签、alt属性以及robots协议都是必不可少的。如果这些代码出了问题, 都将影响SEO优化效果。

4. 服务器带宽问题: 如何使Googlebot能够快速浏览并理解新站上所有信? 搜狗已明显表明”带宽”是一个很大因子之一; 如何使Googlebot能够快速浏览资料呢? 运画力带它来说也是很重要!


1. 搜狗/googlebot对seo文章评价方式不同: Google/sogou bot对seo article evaluation is different from the way people evaluate it; they may not be able to recognize the content of your seo article as valuable or useful and thus will not index it in their search engine results pages (SERPs).

2. SEO Article Title & Description Not Optimized Properly : If you are writing an SEO article but have not optimized its title and description properly then chances are that it won't get indexed by Google/sogou bots even if its content is good enough for them to consider indexing it . This means that you need to make sure that your titles and descriptions contain relevant keywords so that they can easily be found by search engines when someone searches for those particular terms .

3. Poor Internal Link Structure : Another reason why your SEO articles might not be getting indexed is because of poor internal link structure within the website itself . If there are no links pointing back to other pages on the same domain , then this could prevent search engine bots from crawling through all of the content on a website which would result in some pages being left out during indexing process .

4. Low Quality Content : Lastly , low quality content can also lead to problems with getting your SEO articles indexed by search engines such as Google or sogou . This means that if you're writing an article but don't provide any real value or insight into a topic then chances are high that it won't get picked up by these bots since they prefer higher quality pieces over ones which lack substance .





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