
Title: How to Use a Linux Printer with a Web Page

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Printing is an essential part of any business communication, and web-based applications are becoming more popular. In modern enterprises, most employees use web-based applications to access company resources. When printing is needed, it’s important to have a way to print directly from these applications. In this article, we will discuss how you can integrate a Linux printer with a web-based application.

Step 1: Determine the Linux Printer’s IP Address

The first step in setting up a Linux printer for web-based printing is to determine the printer’s IP address. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest way is to log into your Linux system and open a terminal window.

In the terminal window, type “lpstat -t” and press enter. This command will display a list of printers that are connected to your system. Look for the printer that you want to use for web-based printing and make a note of its IP address.

Step 2: Configure CUPS on Your Linux System

Once you have the IP address of the printer you want to use for web-based printing, the next step is to configure the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) on your Linux system. CUPS is the print server that enables your Linux system to connect to the printer.

To configure CUPS, open a web browser and type “localhost:631” in the address bar. This will open the CUPS web interface. Click on the “Administration” tab and select “Add Printer.”

In the “Add Printer” window, enter the IP address of the printer in the “Connection” field. Choose the appropriate driver for the printer from the list of drivers provided by CUPS. If the driver is not listed, you may need to download and install it separately.

Step 3: Create a Printer-specific JavaScript File

To enable web-based printing from your application, you’ll need to create a JavaScript file that calls the CUPS API to print directly to the Linux printer.

The first step in creating this file is to open a text editor on your computer. For this tutorial, we will use the Nano text editor.

In the terminal window, type “nano printer.js” and press enter. This will open the Nano text editor. In the editor, type the following code:

var printer = {

name: “my_printer”,

print: function(data){

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhr.open(“POST”, “/print.php”, true);

xhr.setRequestHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/json;charset=UTF-8”);




Replace “my_printer” with the name of your printer.

Step 4: Create a print.php File

The next step in setting up web-based printing is to create a PHP file that receives the print job from the JavaScript file and sends it to the printer.

In the text editor, type the following code:


$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(“php://input”));

$myfile = fopen(“/dev/u/lp0”, “w”);

fwrite($myfile, $data->content);




This code receives the print job data from the JavaScript file and writes it to the Linux printer using the “fwrite” function.

Step 5: Call the Printer Object in Your Web Application

Now that we have created the JavaScript and PHP files, the final step is to call the printer object in your web application.

In your application, create a button that triggers a click event. In the click event function, call the printer object and pass in the data to be printed. For example:


printer.print( { content: $(“#print_content”).val() } );



Web-based printing is becoming increasingly important as more businesses rely on web-based applications for their dly operations. By following these steps, you can integrate your Linux printer with your web-based application and enable users to print directly from their browser.



javaweb吗?,发一个请求到你的servlet中然后调用颤谈一下java.awt.Desktop.open(File file)



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