
5. 多重因子影响:1. 竞价广告:Baidu 对关注度最高的前10名关键词要求必须通过PPC (Pay Per Click) 竞价广告手法来显示;新网站为什么越来越不受百度欢迎了


1. 网站内容不够全面:新网站的内容很少,而且大部分是重复的,没有真正有用的信息。

2. 网站优化不当:新网站在SEO方面做得并不好,对关键词优化和标题优化都存在问题。

3. 搜索引擎规则变动:随着时代的发展,各大搜索引擎也在不断升级规则。如Google已将“去中心化”作为一个重要因子来衡量一个成功的SEO效果。

4. 内容质量低劣: 新上传的内容通常是低水准、低价值、无意义或者盗版内容, 进而影响了整体内容质量, 使得用户流失, 驱使了Baidu对该站所作出惩处性舍弃。

5. 多重因子影响: 如广告过度侵扰、连接胶水(Link Bait)过度使用、404/500 错误代理(Proxy Error) 过多……

二、新网站为什么越来越不受Baidu 欢迎呢?

1. 竞价广告: Baidu 对关注度最高的前10名关键词要求必须通过PPC (Pay Per Click) 竞价广告手法来显示;

2. SEO 有效性: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 有效性是Baidu 评估一个web site 搜寻能力最重要因子之一;

3. 多页URLs : Baidu 常常将相同URLs 认作是同样Web page , 因此如遭遇 URL parameters / session IDs / hash tags / anchor texts…etc., 都将影响 web site ranking ; 4 . Web Site Speed : Web Site loading speed & response time is one of the most important factor for search engine to evaluate a website performance; 5 . Content Quality : Content quality is another major factor that affects the overall user experience and thus will be taken into consideration by search engine when evaluating a website's ranking ability; 6 . Link Building Strategy : Link building strategy plays an important role in improving website visibility and authority on search engines like Google & Bing etc.; 7 . Social Media Presence : Social media presence also helps to boost up website traffic as well as brand awareness among users online; 8 . Mobile Friendly Design : With more people using mobile devices to access websites nowadays, it is essential for any new websites to have a mobile friendly design in order to gain better visibility on search engines like Google & Bing etc.; 9 . User Experience Factors : User experience factors such as navigation structure, content layout and usability are all taken into account by search engines when evaluating a website's ranking ability




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