
Atomic Redis queue Dequeuing


Redis has become an increasingly popular key-value data store for many use cases, such as dequeuing messages, storing objects and running analytics. A common requirement for any of the aforementioned use cases is atomicity. To ensure the reliability of the data, the operations that modify the data are performed atomically.

Atomicity is all about the integrity of the data. If an operation is not performed atomically, it may end up in inconsistencies. For example, when dequeuing messages from a Redis queue, if the dequeueing operation is not atomic, there can be a race condition issue where a message is removed from the queue twice. These kinds of race conditions can lead to data corruption or loss.

Fortunately, there are multiple techniques that can be used to implement atomic dequeues with Redis. The simplest approach is to use watch and multi/exec. This approach uses Redis’s client-side locking mechanism. The watch command is used to watch the queue, then a transaction is started with multi/exec. In the transaction, the dequeue operation is performed, and if the watch determines that some other client has modified the queue in the meantime the entire transaction will be aborted.

This technique works well, but it can be inefficient in certn cases. In order to avoid the inefficiencies of watch/multi/exec, a more advanced technique called Compare and Swap (CAS) can be used. This technique works similarly to watch/multi/exec, but instead of using the watch command to detect changes, it uses the compare-and-swap (CAS) command. CAS is a complex command that can atomically: compare the value in a given key to the expected value and if they match, set the key to the given value.

Using these two techniques, a Redis queue can be implemented that is both efficient and reliable. Here is an example of CAS-based dequeue code in Redis:

while 1:

blpoplpush queue queue_tmp

cas queue_tmp queue 0

if cas == 0:


This code atomically pops an element from the queue and stores it in a temporary queue. Then, it performs a CAS command to check if another client has popped the same element in the meantime. If the CAS succeeds and returns 0, the element is removed from the queue and can be used. Otherwise, the element is returned to the queue and the loop is retried.

By using the techniques above, atomic dequeuing can be implemented in Redis with the necessary guarantees. The watch/multi/exec technique is the simplest way to achieve this and should be used for most use cases. In scenarios where performance is an issue, more advanced techniques like Compare and Swap can be used to improve the efficiency of the operations.





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