
2. 网站优化:3. 竞争对手分析:SEO小技巧之网站篇

1. 网站建设:




2. 网站优化:

(1) 域名选择: 选择有利于SEO优化的域名, 比如带有相关关键词, 连字符号(-)隔开单词;

(2) URL标准化: 地址栏中显示URL应尽量遵循HTML标准, 同时也能够方便用户理解;

(3) Title/Meta Tag优化: Title/Meta Tag是SEO中最重要的部分, 需要将相关信息加上去;

3. 竞争对手分析 : 与竞争对手进行对比分析 , 来看看他们在 SEO 投入上有何不同 ;

4. 多页面整合营销 : 针对不同用户 , 进行多页面整合营销 , 展示不一样的内容 ;

5. 本地 SEO : 本地 SEO 是一个很大的市场 , 能够帮助企业快速打开当前市场 ;

6. Sitemap生成 : sitemap生成能够方便Googlebot快速、正确、定期遍历你想要indexing 的urls .

7. Google Analytics / Webmaster Tools : Google Analytics / Webmaster Tools是Google旗下已集成好并可使用API进行整理、分析数据 .

8. Link Building ( 外部连 ) : Link Building ( 外部连 )是SEO中得重要因子之一 , 需要注意Link Quality & Quantity .

9. Social Media Marketing ( SMM ): Social Media Marketing ( SMM )乃是21st Century Digital Marketing Strategy之一 , 其意乃将Social Network作为Marketing Platform .

10. Content Optimization & Promotion: Content Optimization & Promotion is the key to success in any online marketing campaign as it helps to create a better user experience and also increases visibility of your website on search engines like Google or Bing etc..

11、Mobile Friendly Website Design & Development: Mobile friendly websites are becoming increasingly important for businesses as more people are using their mobile devices to access the internet and search for information about products and services they need.. 12、Search Engine Submission & Indexing Services: Search engine submission and indexing services help you get your website indexed by major search engines such as Google, Yahoo! And Bing so that potential customers can find your business easily when searching online.. 13、Local Business Listings Management Services: Local business listings management services help you manage all of your local business listings across multiple platforms including Yelp!, Yellow Pages and other local directories so that potential customers can find accurate information about your company quickly and easily.. 14、Website Performance Monitoring Services: Website performance monitoring services allow you to monitor how well your website is performing in terms of page loading speed, uptime availability etc., which helps ensure that visitors have a good experience when visiting your site.. 15、Online Reputation Management Services Online reputation management services help you monitor what people are saying about your brand online so that you can take action if necessary to protect or improve its reputation among consumers...




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