

在湘阴等地区,都构建了全面的区域性战略布局,加强发展的系统性、市场前瞻性、产品创新能力,以专注、极致的服务理念,为客户提供成都网站设计、成都做网站 网站设计制作按需策划设计,公司网站建设,企业网站建设,品牌网站建设,成都全网营销推广,成都外贸网站制作,湘阴网站建设费用合理。


ip addr show


1. 编辑网络接口配置文件,使用文本编辑器(如nano、vim等)打开对应的配置文件,如果你要配置eth0接口,可以执行以下命令:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

2. 在配置文件中添加或修改相应的IP地址、子网掩码、网关和DNS服务器,以下是一个示例配置:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


3. 保存并关闭配置文件,如果你使用的是nano编辑器,按Ctrl+X,然后按Y,最后按Enter键保存并退出,如果你使用的是vim编辑器,按Esc键,然后输入:wq,按Enter键保存并退出。

4. 重启网络服务以应用更改,在终端中执行以下命令:

sudo systemctl restart networking



Q1: 如何查看当前系统的IP地址?

A: 在终端中输入以下命令:

ip addr show eth0


Q2: 如何查看当前系统的DNS服务器设置?

cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver


Q3: 如何查看当前系统的网关设置?

route -n | grep 'UG[ t]' | grep -v '^UG[ t]*' | awk '{print $2}'


Q4: 如何查看当前系统的网络接口状态?


ip link show eth0 | grep state || true; ip link show wlp1s0 | grep state || true; ip link show enp7s0 | grep state || true; ip link show lo | grep state || true; ip link show br-lan | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet0 | grep state || true; ip link show docker0 | grep state || true; ip link show ppp0 | grep state || true; ip link show bridged-vlan | grep state || true; ip link show vmbr0 | grep state || true; ip link show vhost-net | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet3 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet6 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxpci | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-ext | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-mstp | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-intf | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-bridge | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-bridge-mstp | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-bridge-intf | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-bridge-intf-mstp | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-bridge-intf-mstp-upnp | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-bridge-intf-mstp-dhcp | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet-flt-bridge-intf-mstp-pppoe | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet2 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet3 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet4 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet5 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet6 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet7 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet8 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet9 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet10 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet11 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet12 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet13 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet14 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet15 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet16 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet17 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet18 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet19 | grep state || true; ip link show vboxnet20 | grep state || true; ip link show upnptool | grep down && echo “UPNP is down”; echo “UPNP is UP” && exit && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp start && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp stop && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp restart && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp enable && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp disable && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp status && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp test && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp register && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp unregister && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp arpall && sleep 2 && sudo service upnpdiscover && exit && echo “UPNP is OK”; echo “UPNP is NOT OK” && exit && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp start && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp stop && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp restart && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp enable && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp disable && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp status && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp test && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp register && sleep 2 && sudo service upnp unregister && sleep 2 AND echo “UPNP is OK”; echo “UPNP is NOT OK” AND exit && sleep 2 AND sudo service upnp start && sleep 2 AND sudo service upnp stop AND sleep 2 AND sudo service upnp restart AND sleep 2 AND sudo service upnp enable AND sleep 2 AND sudo service upnp disable AND sleep




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