


1. 确定关键词:首先要明确自己的目标是什么,然后找出有利于优化的关键词。这些关键词可以通过Google Adwords Keyword Planner或者Bing Ads Intelligence来获得。

创新互联公司一直秉承“诚信做人,踏实做事”的原则,不欺瞒客户,是我们最起码的底线! 以服务为基础,以质量求生存,以技术求发展,成交一个客户多一个朋友!为您提供成都做网站、网站设计、成都网页设计、小程序开发、成都网站开发、成都网站制作、成都软件开发、成都App定制开发是成都本地专业的网站建设和网站设计公司,等你一起来见证!

2. 内容优化:内容是王道,因此在建立网站时应当注重内容的质量和数量。文字内容中应当多采用主题性强、有特色的新闻、行业动态及原创文章来构建一个独特而富有吸引力的信息平台。

3. 外部链接优化:外部链接能够使网站在浏览器上显得十分真实可信,因此要尽快将外部高权重、相关性强的网站连接到自己的网站上去。

4. 搜索引擎优化(SEO) : SEO是一套方法, 通过不断地对核心代码, 内容, 连接, 流量, 等方法来不断地优化整个WEB SITE , 令之胜出 SERP (Search Engine Result Page). SEO 本质上就是一套“生存”之道 , 要想 WEB SITE 在 SERP 中 “生存” , 必然要依循 SEO 理念 .

5. 社交媒体: 适当使用Facebook、Twitter、Instagram或YouTube作为广告平台也能大大帮助我们将流量集中到我们想要集中流量的目标URL上去。

6. Google Analytics: 适当使用Google Analytics也能带来意想不到的效益,通过Google Analytics我们可以了解电子商务行业高水平人士如何看待我们所有者所作出的决定; 成功/失败; 测试/A / B; 追随者/留存者; etc..

7. PPC (Pay Per Click): PPC (Pay Per Click)是一般意义上Internet Marketing Strategy之一, 通飞AdWords Campaigns & Bing Ads Campaigns & Yahoo Search Marketing Campaigns & Facebook Ads Campaigns & Twitter Ads Campaigns & LinkedIn Ads Campaigns…etc., 便能大大带来Traffic Flow to our Target URL!

8. Mobile Optimization: Mobile Optimization is a must-have for any website nowadays as more and more people are using their mobile devices to access the internet and search for information online! We should make sure that our website is optimized for mobile devices so that it can be easily accessed by users on the go!

9. Local Listings: Local listings are also important in helping us rank higher in local searches as they help us get noticed by potential customers who may be searching for businesses near them! We should make sure to list our business on all major local listing sites such as Yelp or Google My Business so that we can reach out to these potential customers and increase our visibility in the area!

10 . Monitor Results : Last but not least , we need to monitor the results of all of these efforts regularly so that we can see what works best and adjust accordingly ! This will help us ensure that we are always optimizing our website effectively and getting maximum returns from all of our efforts !





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