


Linux,as an open.source operating system, is one of the most popular choice for many developers and companies. It is derived from Unix, which was released in 1969. Compared with other operating systems, Linux has the advantages of wide range of functions, open source, high stability and safety. Therefore, it is deeply rooted in people’s mind.

Linux is continuously forking in the open source world. Many new distributions have been created based on Linux, such as Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora. Each distribution has their own characteristics, aiming at different application scenarios. For example, maximum usability is the principle of the design of Ubuntu, while Fedora aims at providing the latest features and freedom.

Moreover, due to the open source nature of Linux, many new applications have been developed based on Linux. Take OpenOffice as an example, it has been developed over the years and has become a reliable and powerful office suite alternative. In addition, various development languages, such as Java, C++ and Python, have been tested and debugged on the basis of Linux, providing support for the development of different software.

In short, Linux is the backbone of open source world. Its philosophy has enabled people to continuously improve the system and branch into more distributions that can serve specific needs. In addition, Linux runs the limitless open source applications. It is no doubt that Linux will continue to play a vital role in the future.





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