
As the operating system of choice for many users, linux offers an extremely robust and secure FIREWALL. Its firewall is capable of limiting the incoming and outgoing traffic of the system. The protection provided by Linux firewalls goes beyond the capabilities of other firewalls. While many Linux users are already familiar with running a firewall, it is important to know how to properly close the firewall, whether temporarily or permanently.

First, let’s start by discussing how to temporarily close the Linux firewall. To do this, we’ll need to use the IPTables command. This command is a Linux utility that enables you to manage the kernel’s packet filtering rules. To temporarily close the firewall, enter the following command:

sudo /sbin/iptables -F

This command will flush all rules in the selected chain and disable the firewall protection. This is only a temporary solution and does not persist after a reboot.

Now, let’s talk about how to permanently close the Linux firewall. To do this, we first need to disable the iptables service by executing the following command:

sudo systemctl disable iptables

This command will stop the iptables service. The next step is to edit a configuration file to ensure that the iptables service start up is disabled. This can be done by editing the /etc/firewalld/ file and change the following line:




Save the file and restart your system. After a reboot, the firewall should be completely disabled.

The Linux firewall is an important tool to keep your system secure. While it is important to keep it enabled, there may be instances when you need to disable it for whatever reason. It is important to know how to both temporarily and permanently close the Linux firewall, enabling you to keep your system secure in all circumstances.





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