
long connection, one of the most common communication technologies nowadays, has been widely used in almost all the internet applications, such as real-time message sending, send push and so on. Redis and Java are two of the most popular technologies to implement long connection. Combining the advantages of them and with the help of their powerful functions, the stable and efficient long connection can be implemented.



In order to implement the long connection, the related tools must be installed first. Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store, and it provides great functions for storing data efficiently. Java is a programming language and computing platform with great performance, which is more and more popular among developers.

Basic idea

The basic idea to implement the long connection is very simple that connects the clients and the server for a certn time and keeps the connection active for specific messages sending and data exchanging.

Redis and Java

With the help of powerful functions of Redis and Java, the long connection can be implemented efficiently.

In Redis, it uses a list to store the sockets and receives the messages of the sockets in a non-blocking manner meanwhile. That is, as long as the messaging needs, the server will take out the corresponding socket from the list, send the message to it and put it back when the communication is finished.

And with Java, it will create a thread pool, whose size can be configured, which will manage the long connections. So, in the thread pool, the Java creates and manages classes are used to send the corresponding data over the long connection.


Let’s take the example of a simple message delivery system with the help of Java and Redis.

First of all, when a user sends the message, Java first sends the message to Redis, which then stores the messages in the corresponding list.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Java will poll the list in Redis and take out the new message if there is one. It then sends the new message to the user and puts it back to the list.


The combination of Redis and Java has a great benefit that it makes the data exchange on the long connection much more efficient and stable. Also, the thread pool set up by Java makes the sender and receiver of the messages more interconnected, which is convenient for real-time message delivery.

To sum up, the long connection is implemented by combining the powerful functions provided by Redis and Java. The combination of these two programming languages makes the data exchange on the long connection more efficient and reliable.

// Java Thread Pool code

int threadPoolSize = 8;

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadPoolSize);

for(int i=0;i

executorService.execute(new ConnectionThread());


// Redis code

Jedis jedis = new Jedis(“localhost”);

List messageList = jedis.lrange(“message”, 0, -1);

for(String message: messageList){

jedis.rpush(“message”, message);

// Send message to receivers


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