
database: Understanding Redis and Familiarizing with In-Memory Databases


Database management has become an essential part of every tech-based business. When it comes to selecting a database, the choice avlable in the market may play a critical role in your application’s success. Redis is one such database that has gned popularity in recent years, and it falls under the category of in-memory databases. In this article, we will dive deeper into understanding Redis and its applications, along with a brief on in-memory databases.


Redis stands for Remote Dictionary Server, and it is an open-source key-value store. Redis leverages the RAM to store data and is frequently referred to as an in-memory database. It is widely used for caching, managing queues, and managing session data. Redis supports various data structures, including strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. It has an in-built set of commands to interact with each of these data structures.

Redis is known for its high-speed read and write operations. However, the limitation with Redis is the size of the data that can be stored. Since Redis relies on the RAM, the data stored in Redis’s database will not persist if the system reboots or shuts down. Redis stores the data in the RAM and periodically flushes the data on the disk to make sure that the data is not lost in case of a power flure.

In-memory Databases

In-memory databases, as the name suggests, keep the data in-memory (RAM). These databases help in delivering fast data access because the data is not fetched from disks. In-memory databases come with several limitations because the data stored in these databases will not persist in case of system shutdown or reboot.

In-memory databases are widely used for application caching, real-time data processing, and high-performance applications. These databases require less disk I/O, which results in improved performance. Some of the popular in-memory databases include Redis, Hazelcast, and Memcached.

Applications of Redis

Redis has a wide range of applications due to its speed and ease of use. Some of the applications include:

1. Caching: Redis is widely used for caching data in-memory as it offers quick read and write operations. Redis can cache database queries, HTTP requests, or API responses.

2. Messaging queue: Redis has in-built support for messaging queues, and it is widely used as a message broker.

3. Real-time data processing: Redis can be used to store real-time data, such as stock prices, sensor data, or social media feeds.

4. Session store: Redis is known for its fast read and write operations, making it suitable for storing session data.

Code example

The following code example showcases how to store key-value prs in Redis using the Redis-Py library in Python.

import redis
# create a redis client
redis_client = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# set a key-value pr
redis_client.set('name', 'John')
# get the value for the key 'name'
name = redis_client.get('name')


In-memory databases such as Redis offer fast read and write operations, making them a popular choice for caching and real-time data processing applications. With Redis’s multiple data structures and support for messaging queues, it is a versatile database that can help businesses achieve their goals. However, the data stored in Redis will not persist in case of system shutdown or reboot, and Redis has limitations in terms of data size. Overall, Redis can help businesses to deliver seamless user experience and enable reliable real-time data processing.





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