
高效能使用 Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 等图文平台:学习大数据相关理念:


1. 网站运营的定义及其特征:首先要明确什么是“网站运营”,以及它所具有的特征。


2. 网站运营的相关理论:对于如何正确地开展优化性的网站运作,应该依据哪些理论来制定相应的方法。

3. 网站内容优化原则与方法:根据不同用户需求考量出有效的内容优化原则及方法。

4. SEO 技巧与应用:SEO 技巧是当前流行的一大助力手段之一, 学习并探寻如何将 SEO 技巧有效地应用到旗下多门户中去。

5. 连接式市场学: 针对不同行业领域, 学习并洞察如何透过市场学来促使多门户间协作, 令整体市场能够看上去尤其有意义。

6. 多门户间协作: 学习并洞察如何透过协作来促使多门户间能处互惠互利之道, 进而形成一套永不止息之生态循环。

7. 社会化媒体: 高效能使用 Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 等图文平台, 本人必须要学会将图文内容呈上出来时才能看上去尤其有意义;

8. 大数据: 学习大数据相关理念, 比如 Hadoop、Spark 等;

9. AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning): AI/ML 是当前流行的一大助力手段之一;

10 . Web Analytics : 高效能使用 Google Analytics , Adobe Omniture , Piwik , Mixpanel , KISSmetrics ; 11 . A / B Testing : A / B testing is a great way to test different versions of your website and see which one performs better ; 12 . Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) : CRO is the process of optimizing your website in order to increase conversions from visitors into customers or leads ; 13 . User Experience Design (UXD) : UXD focuses on improving user satisfaction by making sure that users can easily find what they are looking for on your website and have an enjoyable experience while doing so ; 14 . Usability Testing : Usability testing helps you understand how people interact with your website and identify any potential problems that may be preventing them from achieving their goals on it ; 15 . Mobile App Development & Marketing : Learn about mobile app development best practices as well as effective strategies for marketing mobile apps in order to maximize downloads and engagement rates ; 16 . Online Advertising & Paid Search Strategies : Understand the basics of online advertising such as PPC campaigns and paid search strategies in order to drive more targeted traffic to your site at a lower cost per acquisition than other forms of digital marketing like display ads or social media advertising





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