


1. 什么是图片SEO?


2. 图片SEO为什么重要?

由于大多数人都使用Google Images来寻找信息,而不是新闻或博客文章,所以如何优化你的图像得到正确的流量就变得越来越重要。此外,当人们想要看到一个话题时,他们通常会首先去看相关图片。如果你能够将你的内容准确地呈现出来并改进你的可视性,那么获得流量就会变得容易得多。


1. 选择合适格式

虽然没有一个“最好”格式作为 SEO 来使用, 不过 JPEGs 和 PNGs 都是相当理想之选, 这些格式都能够生成高质量, 有效节省存储大小(file size) 的文件. GIFs 此前已作为 SEO 用途而广泛使用, 不过随之而来便是 GIFs 大尺寸(large file sizes) 等问题; SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 正在日益流行, 具有独立性(independence), 高度可扩展性(scalability), 超少存储大小(small file size).

2. 选用含感词/词语/关键字/hashtag 的文字

在 Google Image Search 中, 搜寻者能够使用 “Alt Text” (alternative text) , “Title Text” (title attribute text), “Caption Text” (caption text) , “Description Text” (description text ) , "Hashtags" (#hashtags ) . Alt texts and title attributes are the most important for image optimization as they help search engines understand what an image is about and how it relates to other content on your website or blog post. Captions and descriptions can also be used to provide additional context for images that may not be immediately obvious from the alt or title tags alone. Hashtags can also be used to make images more discoverable in social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter where users often use hashtags when searching for relevant content related to their interests or topics of discussion..

3. 针对 Mobile-Friendly Optimization

Mobile-friendly optimization is becoming increasingly important with the rise of mobile devices being used to access websites and online services across all industries including ecommerce stores, blogs and news sites etc.. To ensure that your images are optimized correctly for mobile devices you should consider using responsive design techniques such as srcset which allows you to specify different versions of an image depending on the device type being used by a user so that they get served with an appropriately sized version of the image based on their screen resolution.. Additionally you should also consider using lazy loading techniques which allow you to only load images when they come into view rather than preloading them all at once which can significantly reduce page load times especially if there are many large files present on a single page.. Finally it's worth noting that some browsers may not support certain types of formats so it's always best practice to include multiple versions in order for maximum compatibility across all devices types..





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