下划线在 Python 中有很特别的意义。
下划线在 Python 中有特殊的意义,简单来说,可以总结成三点。
更多细节的讨论,可以看 StackOverflow 上的这个主题:What is the meaning of single and double underscore before an object name?[1]。
__foo__: this is just a convention, a way for the Python system to use names that won't conflict with user names.
_foo: this is just a convention, a way for the programmer to indicate that the variable is private (whatever that means in Python).
__foo: this has real meaning: the interpreter replaces this name with _classname__foo as a way to ensure that the name will not overlap with a similar name in another class.
No other form of underscores have meaning in the Python world.
There's no difference between class, variable, global, etc in these conventions.
- for _,value in func(): # 假如func每次会返回两个值,我们只关心第二个值
- use(value)
魔法方法 | 什么时候被调用 | 解释 |
__new__(cls [,...]) | instance = MyClass(arg1, arg2) | __new__ 在实例创建时调用 |
__init__(self [,...]) | instance = MyClass(arg1,arg2) | __init__ 在实例创建时调用 |
__cmp__(self) | self == other , self > other 等 | 进行比较时调用 |
__pos__(self) | self | 一元加法符号 |
__neg__(self) | -self | 一元减法符号 |
__invert__(self) | ~self | 按位取反 |
__index__(self) | x[self] | 当对象用于索引时 |
__nonzero__(self) | bool(self) | 对象的布尔值 |
__getattr__(self, name) | self.name #name 不存在 | 访问不存在的属性 |
__setattr__(self, name) | self.name = val | 给属性赋值 |
__delattr__(self, name) | del self.name | 删除属性 |
__getattribute__(self,name) | self.name | 访问任意属性 |
__getitem__(self, key) | self[key] | 使用索引访问某个元素 |
__setitem__(self, key) | self[key] = val | 使用索引给某个元素赋值 |
__delitem__(self, key) | del self[key] | 使用索引删除某个对象 |
__iter__(self) | for x in self | 迭代 |
__contains__(self, value) | value in self, value not in self | 使用 in 进行成员测试 |
__call__(self [,...]) | self(args) | “调用” 一个实例 |
__enter__(self) | with self as x: | with 声明的上下文管理器 |
__exit__(self, exc, val, trace) | with self as x: | with 声明的上下文管理器 |
__getstate__(self) | pickle.dump(pkl_file, self) | Pickling |
__setstate__(self) | data = pickle.load(pkl_file) | Pickling |
[1]What is the meaning of single and double underscore before an object name?: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301346/the-meaning-of-a-single-and-a-double-underscore-before-an-object-name-in-python
[2]魔法方法指南: http://pyzh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/python-magic-methods-guide.html
[3]Magic method guide: http://www.rafekettler.com/magicmethods.html
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